View Full Version : Mornings

29-08-11, 15:04
Okay, so for a while now iv been feeling absolutely awful when i wake up, i dont wake up untill like 3pm and when i do wake up i feel like im dying, i feel desoriantated, very tired, rapid heartbeat, and my breathing feels very weak like its not even there, i feel awful, my eyes are strange and my head feels like its made of cotton wool.. I also wake feeling very anxious and out of it basically.. like iv had a big booze up the night before (i dont drink) does anyone else have this? Or some advice for me.. Its horrible and i feel like i havent had enuf sleep yet im sleeping till 3pm go to bed at like between 1-4am.. could i be dying :( does anyone know what this could be?

29-08-11, 18:06

i doubt your dying. Maybe your having too much sleep it can happen n its not good for you. Or maybe its your blood sugar being low with not eating for such a long time.

29-08-11, 19:13
you need to get your body back in to a normal routine. unless you work nights?

its normal to feel abit weak as your bodys been so relaxed when your sleeping so your blood pressure will be a bit low and your heart can beat a bit faster while it get s the blood pumping round. a anxious person wouldnt notice this
