View Full Version : OCD, repression, spirituality, etc.

29-08-11, 15:45
It's a big fear for most OCD sufferers that their unwanted thoughts/emotions signal repressed thoughts/emotions. How can you tell what you need to analyse and what you need to just let go? Many 'spiritual' sites advise analysing ourselves, finding our repressed emotions and letting them out in order to heal, but I know this is the complete opposite to what OCD sufferers should do- we should rather let them pass without dwelling on them or attaching any significance to them at all.

And how would an OCD sufferer who is spiritually-minded sort out the difference between OCD-related 'magical thinking' and the usual spiritual talk of 'always think positive' 'body/mind connection'? The notion that we can heal ourselves, bring positive things to us etc., can be inspiring for the average person but for those who cannot help but think/feel their worst, most unwanted things, it's terrifying to make such a connection.

These issues are the ones I find the hardest to understand. Help?

29-02-12, 14:25
This has got to be the biggest question in my life right now. You articulated it very well. I just wish someone had some light to shed on it. My current obsession is that I want to go and live in a Buddhist monastery and live as a nun. The thing is, it is actually the very last thing I want. However, many Buddhist teachings say that life is not about getting what you want, but about following the path that life presents to you...so I have become semi-convinced that this is some kind of 'calling' that is presenting itself to me and I must follow it. I am currently off work with depression due to this and it is making my life a total misery.