View Full Version : Thoughts please...spacey, whoozy daily! Sniffle!

29-08-11, 16:15
Hey everyone, hoping you can help lend me some advice or reassurance with this issue: in June, I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, which I assumed to be the cause for my headaches, nausea, and "spacey" feeling. I was put on medication and did not experience these symptoms as frequently. Recently, however, the doctor reduced my medication, citing that my thyroid hormone production levels are normal, but since he did so, my feeling of being "spacey" have returned. I think back and remember even having this feeling occasionally as a teenager also. The doctor doesn't entirely believe that this feeling is thyroid related since the levels are so much better now and I'm wondering if he's right. I've had struggles with anxiety my entire life...I call it episodic anxiety because I will be fine for years and then, it will worsen again for some reason or another (during which time, I will attend therapy until it's better). Problem is, I feel as though I'm on a witch hunt, searching relentlessly for the cause of this "spaciness." It's the most annoying feeling...I'm 90% fine except I feel slightly uncoordinated, whoozy, and mentally foggy! I have three beautiful children under five and my mom insists that the fatigue of being a very busy mother, coupled with my obsessing over this feeling are probably the root cause, not the thyroid. I've been to the ENT, the allergist, the family doctor, and back to the thyroid specialist and no one seems to know exactly what's going on. I'm terrified that this feeling will continue every day - I've already felt this way for three weeks! Tends to be worse in the morning and relaxed some by nightfall....do you think it's anxiety? I hope it is because then, perhaps, I can deal with it on my own, instead of relying on medication for a thyroid, etc.....to fix this feeling. THOUGHTS please! Thank you so much!


30-08-11, 23:58
i realy do think your suffering anxiety if you read up on it i think you will see it for yr self i am worse in the mornings and as day goes on feel better not great but better i love it wen it gets dark dont no why i feel better then as for feeling wore out being a full time mum is tireing but anxiety adds to taht as well look for cures on anxiety and i bet you will see the diffrence hope you will be writing a new thread saying yr feeling better soon act on it now i ave sufferd 40yrs and waisted so much of my life being stook in my home as there was not all this help around so early on for me now i am so programed to let anything set me into a state of anxiety take care lv trish

31-08-11, 00:55
Is this what you mean ?
Depersonalization, Derealization, Feeling of unreality

What you feel:

Now for the Brain , the limbic system in the brain instigates this whole response and is responsible too for our emotions and behaviour One of the body symptoms that people hate most is the one when you feel all foggy, surreal, woozy or spacey. You may either feel that you are not real or that the earth is not real and you're a time warp away. These are often the hardest symptoms to understand and its very common to deduce that you must be going mad which makes you panic even more. This is completely untrue and you are very safe.
You feel like you are not a part of what is going on, or that you feel like you are in a dream state or 'out of touch with things'. Also, things around you may seem like they are shimmering, foggy, hazy or too bright.
What causes this:

As we learned in Understanding, the body and mind are tightly integrated. What affects one affects the other. This symptom is another example of how an over stimulated nervous system can cause us to experience odd and impaired feelings, emotions and perceptions. Much like how a psychoactive or recreational drug can alter one's mental state, an over active nervous system can affect certain body chemistries thereby producing mind altering effects. The feeling of unreality or disassociation is one type of altered mental state that high levels of stress biology can produce.
It is not completely understood what goes here but it is generally thought that the limbic system in the brain decides there is too much going on and goes into a self protection mode and shuts out excess stimuli. As the adrenaline levels decrease and you calm down it clears. This can be several hours days or weeks. Sue x

10-10-11, 02:55

Just my two cents, i've had these similar symptoms on and off for quite a few years and i've discovered they are adrenal fatigue related (and i now have hypothyroidism and many other endocrine problems). Get your cortisol, DHEAS, estrogen and progesterone levels tested via salvia tests. If you are constantly on high alert and your body requires ongoing cortisol it will begin to take it away from progesterone to make more cortisol, just to keep up and this in return causes all other kinds of endocrine problems, which adds further stress to your body, including your thyroid - it's all connected! Have you checked your blood pressure, some of your symptoms sound like lowering of blood pressure, usually caused by ongoing low cortisol levels and thyroid medication will do this to you if your adrenals are not strong! I get the exact same spacey feeling when i get onto my thyroid meds, it's due to my adrenals being weak and so they can't handle the meds. Best to work on your adrenals first (with support and possible hormone replacement temporarily) and then introduce thyroid meds). Hope you find good doctor to diagnose you, it's nearly impossible to find one that believes in adrenal fatigue - but i can guarantee you, it exists, especially if you are naturally highly wired all the time. Start investigating on getting properly tested -check the net for other people's recommendations - and good luck! By the way, i found meditation and getting your endocrine system supported has done wonders to balance out the body and mind at the same time. But you must get rid of those stress triggers - whether it be physical or emotional! It's wearing out your body (it's like the body gets stuck in a constant cycle of developing stress hormones, eventually it crashes)and find out how to supporting both at the same time!

dodgy parrot
13-10-11, 14:16
I put my spacyness down to sinusitis Having said that I kept asking for my thyroid to be checked because of also putting on weight, extreme exhaustion but every test was normal. Am at a loss having said that I am on propranalol and maybe some of my symptoms are down to that. :-( would be interested to know what others think. :-(