View Full Version : worried about going to docs

saffy f
29-08-11, 16:32
Hi everyone.
At the moment my anxiety is doing really well,with the help of medication and the support of friends and family..I'm very lucky I know.
A lot of symtoms I have I put down to the anxiety but at the moment I have a very painful water infection .I have taken a course of cystitis treatment from the chemist(which I always use,suffer from cystitis a lot) but it did nothing.The pain is bad and I'm also getting lower abdomen pain,lower back pain and bleeding when urinating...it's really painful.
All this is pointing to a kidney infection I know,or worse, and I also know I need to go to the doctor.I just worry about them thinking... here she goes again the paranoid nut job! :-) I know I need to 'man up' but I get so panicked about going to the doctor...
Has anyone else had all these symptoms together,I'm scared its going to start my anxiety up again..do you think theses symptoms are due to anxiety,which is being masked by the tablets?
thanks for reading x

29-08-11, 17:26
I suffer with cystitis but last september I was bad and weed a load of blood in the end thy put me on strong antibiotics i was admitted to hospital for 3 days and then after that they sent me for tests, I was petrified as that went on from sep til feb and its petrifieing waiting for results and after all that there was sod all wrong with me just a water infection but all those bloody tests brought on my anxiety. Dont worry you will jusst need stroger antibiotics till the blood clears up and get plenty of rest and drink plenty of water and the doc said to me don't hold on to your wee lol hope this has helped you

Cathy xx

saffy f
30-08-11, 18:14
Thanks for your reply Cathy it's helped.The sensible side(it's there somewhere)of me tells me the same thing that there's nothing to worry about.
I have a Dr appointment in the morning so I'm sure she will be able to prescribe me some more antibiotics and I'll be fine :-)
Saffy xx