View Full Version : going up a dose?

29-08-11, 18:24

One of the doctors started me on 20mg of citalopram, i had quite a few side effects off it....

I went to see another doctor who said he wasent quite sure why i were started on the dose and put me down to 10mg.

It might sound stupid but im not sure if its working im still feeling as i were without taking the tablets, how do i actually know if its working?

The doctor told me to keep the 20mg do you reckon i should start taking those or should i wait till i see my doctor tomorrow and see what they suggest?


30-08-11, 00:30
Wait to see the doctor! I'm on 20mg and I've been on it for 4 weeks since day one.My doc told me 10 my won't do a thing to help as it's too low a dose.
Feeling better , slowly I must admit. I think I'm going to discuss 30 mg with the doc next week.