View Full Version : waking up in the middle of the night

29-08-11, 19:26

Sorry for the amount of threads im doing but this site is very useful and helps alot im so thankful i have came across it.

I have been waking up in the middle of the night, do you reckon its due to anxiety or the tablets ive been taking citalopram?

Also i have been taking diazepam cause ive had troubles getting to sleep ive been taking it for a week now i take it three times a day and been getting to sleep at like half past nine and now ive started getting back to sleep at like one in the morning can diazepam stop working once you have got used to it ?


29-08-11, 19:30
Yes and it can become habit forming. I had this to begin with, but it would knock me out for an hour and then I'd be waking up panicking again. So I'm currently on a low dose (7.5mg) of Mirtazapine to help me sleep. Maybe you could ask for this, there are a lot of people on here taking both Citalopram and Mirtazapine (apparently Citalopram makes it hard for a lot of people to sleep and the Mirt. helps that, and it's not addictive.)

30-08-11, 00:09
I am on Sertraline (a similar SSRI) and that played havoc with my sleep to begin with. I just struggled to get to sleep at all. I even started to wonder whether or not you could actually survive with so little sleep. Eventually after around four weeks my body seemed to get used to the drug and sleep gradually returned to normal.

Tyke :)

30-08-11, 19:56
hi tyke has the sertraline helped because i am on it 2weeks and still feel awful:(

31-08-11, 03:19
hi tyke has the sertraline helped because i am on it 2weeks and still feel awful:(
It has helped loads Emma. It took four weeks for the side effects to wear off though and five weeks to feel a lot better. It was really tough the first few weeks. Like you, I felt absolutely awful, with horrendous side effects, but I came through it and once the drug kicked in properly I began to function like a normal human being again.

Stick with it if you can Emma, you have come this far, you should see some positive results in the next few weeks.

31-08-11, 21:29
Hi, i have been going through a similar thing and also taking citalopram,
i also take diazepam but it put me to sleep for about half an hour, and then i would wake up in a panic, and be up for the rest of the night.
I started citalopram about a year ago and the same thing happened then,
but once it gets into your system (about 2 weeks for me ) they are brill.
I went on hols not so long ago and forgot my pills, when i got back i started to take them again and started to feel bad again, so i left them off for a couple of days and felt a bit better and so on for a couple of months.
Went back to docs,told me off, and stopped the diazepam,gave me some zopeclone ( sleeping pill ) now i have had 2 nights good sleep which make you feel a lot better.
now taking citalopram in morning with a piece of toast (every day).
So my only advice is to stick with it !
Hope this helped.