View Full Version : cant sleep and bad anxiety!!

29-08-11, 19:42
I think my anxiety is getting worse and its becoming unbareable!! For the last 2 weeks i havnt been able to sleep at all. I been dropping off at 7 or 8 in the morning and awake all night with anxiety!! The doctor has giving me some sleeping pills and they are great i go straight off but he has only given me 5. I had 2 and they were great and on the 3rd night i left it off and was up all night again so ive got two left and will take them but im scared i wont ever sleep without them again. Its a long night and im on my own and my anxiety starts and its a horrible feeling i get, there are times when i feel like i wanna call a paramedic and im crying but i dont and stick it out. MY body feels like my bloods bubbleing all over and im light headed and im and my stomach is in knots and i feel like i cant breath properly and my heart seems that its not beating right but when i told the doctor he said my blood pressure was a little high (but i was panicking then) and gave me some panic pills that i havnt started taking yet but there is only a few in that pack. I was booked into cbt but i cant sit there for long because i start panicking and have to get out!! I dont know what to do about all this i dread evenings!!

29-08-11, 19:58
I'm so sorry to hear you're going through this. I was in exactly the same place last month. Thought I was losing my mind. It really does feel like that when anxiety gets on top of you. I was told to take Diazepam 4mg to help me sleep but I'd take it, and only sleep for an hour, two max. Then I'd wake up in a panic. Was so afraid to go to sleep I stayed up for 4 days straight--living on adrenalin and it was terrible. Then I spoke to a good doctor who I trusted and he prescribed me Mirtazapine 7.5 mg a night. That's what I'm on now and I SLEEP! Mirtazapine is an anti depressant but it is very effective with anxiety too. I still have anxious moments but they pass--whereas before it would be an anxious 3 days or something! So this is working for me. I know we're all different but most "sleeping pills" (were they Diazepam?) aren't considered good for long term use as they're addictive---and as in both our cases, absolute rubbish at keeping us asleep anyway! Lol. Try to be positive and know you're never alone here. I've found so much help and stregnth since I joined this forum. People here GET us and know what we're going through.

29-08-11, 20:13
The sleeping pills are called zopiclone and hes put me on propranolol for the anxiety the sleeping pills are great!! I dont understand why all of a sudden i have stopped sleeping i have never had any problems before!!

29-08-11, 20:23
Self help for your nerves is a good book by claire weeks

Cathy xx