View Full Version : Bladder meds?

29-08-11, 22:46
I've posted a few times about bladder issues and am currently having a bad time again.

I've been on Detrusitol for years for overactive bladder and also have a history of UTIs, particularly in the last year (I'm perimenopausal which I believe might be a factor.

I had a urine sample come back clear a couple of weeks ago but am in almost constant pain - not just when I go to the loo - along with a bit of urgency.

I have been wondering if I now perhaps have interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome rather than OAB - the symptoms do seem to differ a bit but who knows?

I don't think the Detrusitol is working in any case. I have a doc appt on Thursday but was wondering meantime if anyone else is on either different meds for OAB or on something for IC, so that I could maybe ask the doc about them in case he can't come up with anything.

Thanks for any replies xx

Hazel B
30-08-11, 21:17

This site is helpful. I had bladder issues last year and to cut a long story short it was anxiety related. I saw a urologist twice and had at least 10 urine tests.

30-08-11, 22:08

I have a feeling this may be due to anxiety. I also have this urgency to go toilet sometimes especially when i'm in a situation where I think I may not be able to get to one quick enough or there is none around. Slowly I have managed to control it to a point where I can do some things now that I couldn't before. If you would ever like to talk more about it please do not hesistate to pm me :) xxx

01-09-11, 16:13
Thanks for your replies ladies. It wouldn't be at all surprised if this is anxiety related - and of course as soon as I made a doc appointment the pain disappeared. Went along this afternoon anyway and he has given me a new med to try.

I've tried many of the usual things suggested - cranberry juice, cranberry capsules, baking soda, uva ursi, d-mannose - to no real avail so I'm going to give these a go. Fingers crossed for no SEs as they would be highly inconvenient just now xxx

Hazel B
01-09-11, 23:30
I really sympathise and hope it gets sorted soon. I felt my life was not worth it when I needed the loo every 15-20 minutes, it's awful. I tried all the cranberry stuff and D Mannose (very expensive!) but the only thing that worked was calming down from anxiety, which took a lot of fight and strength. I had already had scans for a health issue so the urologist could see my bladder from those and told me I did not have IC (interstitial cystitis).

Take care.