View Full Version : Nervous feeling?

29-08-11, 23:01
Does anyone ever feel nervous and don't no why? I've come to bed and feel so nervous and scared and don't no why? Is this a sighn I'm going to die tonight?
Funny thing I was all giddy snd excited before?

29-08-11, 23:59

I often feel nervous when i go to bed. Firstly no it isn't a sign that you are going to die tonight, try not to think of that because this will just make your anxious feelings worse. I think the reason i feel like that is because my first panic attack happened when i went to bed and now it is a trigger. Try and take your mind off it, maybe reading a book or another form of distraction might help.

Or maybe some nice calming music that you can get lost in??

I hope you feel better soon and remember your not going to die, everything will be ok.x

30-08-11, 00:31
Thank u that means alot.
My anxiety is heightened at night I've always believed I will foe at night just weird feeling nervous for no reason,

Even more panicked now ad been drifting innout of sleep but then heard what I thought was someone walking across the landing floor boards creaked etc shouted
Y friend who said she heard nothing but she has just been asleep I heard it snd being made to feel like I'm going mad all cos I have anxiety

30-08-11, 01:06
I usually try reading until I can't keep my eyes open. Or I watch the home shopping network on TV - for some reason I can zone out to it! I too get nervous before bed and these things have helped me. Maybe they will help you, maybe not. Sometimes talking it out with somebody helps you realize that you have nothing to be nervous about at all.

Another thing that my counselor suggested because my nervousness would interfere with my sleep: You basically hypnotize yourself to fall asleep when you reach the number 2 when you count backwards from 10 to 0. So throughout the day if you feel sleepy at all just say to yourself "I will fall asleep when I reach 2." Say it over and over again before you go to sleep and then start counting. Usually I have to count down from 10 a few times but I think what happens is that I just focus so much on the counting that I stop thinking about being nervous and hypnotize myself. It doesn't always work, but works often enough that I try it when I get really anxious.

It sounds crazy, I know, but when you get desperate you try anything!

Good luck

30-08-11, 07:49
I get this alot.. will be fine and not have any anxious thoughts, ill go to bed be fine but once everyones asleep and i cant sleep i started feeling really nervous for no reason, its the anxiety.. i get up and go to the window, start reading a book, watch tv or go on the ipod and i also get water and sip the water, all distraction techniques that do work for me.. xx

30-08-11, 09:05
Yes often feel anxious for no reason and it can be worse at night. I think it is cos that is a time when it's easy for your mind to wander with no distraction. I am sure it does not mean that you are going to die. Make sure you are really tired when you go to bed and try to think of something that makes you happy. Don't let the bad thoughts in. You will be ok.


30-08-11, 09:27
I have to admit I get nervous at night, with the fact that I don't think I'm gonna wake up. I have now got into the routine of meditating before I go to sleep to clear my mind and its surprising how much better you feel! If you have a smart phone or android phone you can download a free app to provide some guidence and some pleasent music.

30-08-11, 09:43
i feel nervous a awful lot i use deep relaxation meditiaton toi try and relax and take the edge of it. my cbt therapist is trying to teach me mindfullness which when ive managed to do it i know it will really help x

30-08-11, 10:11
i to am always more anxious at night,the thought of everyone asleep,bar me! and all has shut down, no one about like during the day, makes me feel im all the more alone,i go to bed every night feeling like that and wake with the morning anxiety,it does wear off as the day goes on,but yip its a rotten feeling,i have a fear of death and my heart, and think,will it stop when im sleeping,freaks me out,but i try to distract my mind by reading in bed it works,i know just how you feel. Hugs.

31-08-11, 04:28
Thank you all for your replies. The music works was working s dream last week. Haven't slept in 2 days now and it's getting to me again. In scared of dying and of things that go bump in the night xx