View Full Version : I have finally had my gorgeous baby boy

13-05-06, 09:05
Hi everyone, Just thought I would let you all know that I had my gorgeous baby boy on 28th April, 6 days late!! We have called him Jakob Jon and he weighed 7lb 15oz. As some of you will know I suffered from horredous post-natal depression, anxiety and panic attacks after my last child was born in 2000 and it took me 4 years to get over it and I said I would never have any more children so was shocked and scared when I found out I was pregnant again in August last year after the coil failed to do its job!! Anyway I have had 9 months of worry and anxiety wondering if everything would be O.k and if I would suffer the same this time around but up to know I am feeling great in fact I feel better than I have done for the last 5 years. I still get a few anxiety symptoms but at least I know what they are now and know that they can't hurt me and I am determined not to let them get the better of me and spoil the happiness of having my new baby and I am determined to enjoy every second with this one. I am still very aware that the post-natal depression could return at anytime as it is still early days yet and he is only 2 weeks old (it started when my son was 4 months Old last time) but at least I will know the signs this time and will be able to get immediate treatment, I certainly am not going to live my life thinking what if. Anyway at least I know I have the support of everyone on this site now and only wish I had it when I first became ill as I don't think I would have suffered in silence for so long, it truly is an amazing site and has helped me so much in the past and I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who has given me support and advice and I hope I will still find the time to offer help and support in return.
I just want to say to everyone who is suffering with anxiety, panic etc that there can be a happy ending and there is definately light at the end of the tunnel just never give up hope and keep smiling.
Love Lisaxx

13-05-06, 09:35

Take Care and keep up that great POSITIVE attitude hun.

Love & Wishes,


13-05-06, 10:04
Congratulations, I hope you continue to enjoy every moment this time round. Take care

Best wishes


'This too will pass'

13-05-06, 11:29
Congrats!!!! So happy for you. Best wishes to all of the family.

Sarah xxxx

13-05-06, 12:01
Congratulations Lisa.

13-05-06, 12:40

Love Lyla xxxxxxxx :D:)

13-05-06, 14:50
Congratulations to you all, I had terrible post natal depression after one of mine but was fine after the other, well done,xx

13-05-06, 15:00
Aw bless how sweet!


I bet you are very happy. Keep smiling.

x x

13-05-06, 15:46
Congratulations to you !!

What fab news to hear and I am glad you are feeling so positive about things.

Keep us up-to-date with how you are all doing.



13-05-06, 16:35
congratulations!! and i am soooo pleased you are feeling so up, hope that feeling stays with you forever best of luck and a big hugxxxxx

jools xx

13-05-06, 20:46


If the world didn't suck... we'd all fall off :)

13-05-06, 21:50
Hi Lisa

Many congratulations to you.

Best Wishes & lots of hugs to you & your lovely little boy


Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

14-05-06, 12:29

Love Piglet x

14-05-06, 12:31
I too suffered terrible PND but with my second child, so was not at all expecting it! ( she is nearly 5 now) At least you will be able to recognise the symptoms IF you get it again, and will be able to get the help you need. So many women suffer in silence with this and don't realise that help that is out there. My family is complete now and my hubby has had a vasectomy, although i know even that is not completely foolproof!!

Enjoy your baby, as you know they grow up so quickly!

Love India xxx

14-05-06, 15:46
oh what wondeful news,many congratulations on the birth of Jakob,WELL DONE!so pleased you are feeling well too.love mary-rose.xxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

14-05-06, 17:31

Glad you are doing so well, keep positive.

What a lovely name you have called your baby.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

14-05-06, 19:55
Congratulations - great news Lisa.
Love Helen