View Full Version : anybody there :(

29-08-11, 23:57
I have been feeling very strange these past few days and the anxiety has took a turn for the worst. It's as if i'm slipping in and out of reality and nothing is feeling the same anymore, i also have lost my appetite and can not stop shaking, what is wrong with me :( can anybody help :(

30-08-11, 00:06
Hi Lauren94,

Sorry that you feel like this, i sometimes have days where i feel the same as you. I have realised that this is due to being in a stressful enviroment with no outlet. Your body has to deal with the stress somehow. Is there anything that is stressing you out? I know it is easier said than done but try not to worry as this will only make it worse.


30-08-11, 00:09
the worse thing is - i have no reason to feel like this! iv'e just had exam results back- they were fine, families great and my boyfriend coudln't be any more supportive. It's disturbing/unrealistic thoughts i can't deal with and i've got it into my head i'm going crazy! :(

30-08-11, 00:16
you are definitely not going crazy! Maybe it could be a delayed reaction from getting your exam results, wondering what they are going to be? I guess this is an important time in your life in regards to making decisions about what your going to do, wondering if you have made the right choice etc? This could all be happening subconciously and an important thing to remember is they are all normal feelings.

30-08-11, 19:00
Lauren, what you're experiencing is depersonalization/derealization. Its a common anxiety symptom and one which will eventually fade away. If its only coming on in short bursts I think you're quite lucky, I have had it constantly for a good six months now and although it has been improving a little bit, it is pure hell!

Take care. x

31-08-11, 21:59
Hi Lauren,

I'm so sorry that you're going through all of these strange feelings at the moment. I have to agree with Rhys as it does sound like you're suffering from derealisation/depersonalisation which is a very common symptom of anxiety. I know it's horrible and can make you feel so removed from reality, but let me reassure you it will not harm you and you are not going crazy. Its your brain's way of trying to protect you from feeling stressed, which I know is very difficult to believe as it can actually make you more stressed. Keep reminding yourself that it is extremely common and that nothing bad will happen to you because of it, and eventually it will pass. Remember there are always people here who will listen to you and reassure you. Take care hunnie x

01-09-11, 17:14
Yeah I get this too sometimes, I thought it was just something that happened to everyone, but I asked my boyfriend if it happened to him and he said no, so I read up more on it and like others have said, it is just a side effect from anxiety, it will go away though. It usually doesn't happen to me for too long, sometimes I even welcome it, it can feel quite nice and safe, because it makes me feel like nothing is real, I have nothing to worry about! So I think it is just to space you out from reality a bit, maybe even the relief of your exam results being ok if you were worried, maybe it's just the stress going away as your brain winds down. Whatever the reason I hope it gets better soon for you!
Best of luck :)