View Full Version : cinema - heart worries again!

30-08-11, 09:27
So have promised to take daughter to cinema - its the last week of school hols - just worrying that heart gonna be doing crazy things in there and that I won't be able to cope! But don't want to let her down as feel like she has been so restricted by my illness this holiday. Any tips gratefuly accepted please!!!!

Kinnygirl x

30-08-11, 09:31
Hi Kinnygirl,

I knwo where you are coming from with this; I use to have to sit by the exit as part of my safety behaviour but now I find I can go to the cinema and sit anywhere! I knwo I keep saying this but try some meditation this really helps to calm people down and also clear your mind. What film are you thinking of going to see, and think about all the lovely popcorn you can have!

paula lynne
30-08-11, 09:33
Hi there, the cinema is a biggy for me too.
Eat before you go, take water to sip and mints to suck. Your heart will just be doing its job, and try and really get into the film. If you feel your heartrate increasing, remind yourself its excitement, not anxiety. Worrying before you go about the "what ifs" is going to wind you up, dont feed your anxiety. Tell yourself you are excited, that the cinema is just a building, and you can leave if you want, you are not trrapped. I did it for my son, and honestly, it wasnt half as bad as I thought it would be. It was so nice spending time with him. You are right, do it for your little girl....enjoy! x:)

30-08-11, 09:41
Thanks guys -this really helps.

Disco - I am on fluoxetine, it is helping but the cinema is one of my "trigger" situations if that makes sense. You are right about the popcorn. Lol! We are going to see Harry Potter.

PaulaLynne - thanks so much. I am going to do the water thing defo. I have been doing that on long journeys and it does help. I think it's just that the cinema feels so enclosed somehow. really want to get through this.


30-08-11, 13:25
Oh Harry Potter is excellent Im sure you will be too involved to even worry about it!

30-08-11, 17:55
Is it quite common to have panic attacks in the cinema then? I've had a couple and thought that I must be really weird!

30-08-11, 18:33
Hi guys! I made it through the film. Got seats near the back (for easy escape) and it wasn't very busy at all cos we went to an early showing so that all helped. I sipped the water and that helped too. Felt a bit anxious at the start but somehow managed to tear my mind away from my breathing and heartbeat and enjoyed the film!

Crystal, I think it is quite common for people with anxiety to "feel it" in the cinema. I think it's the lack of windows and the fact that you are expected to stay a certain amount of time and if it's busy you feel a bit on show... that's what it is for me anyway. Also there is my big worry - "What if I have a heart attack while I in there???"

Kinnygirl x

paula lynne
30-08-11, 19:55
Well done! :D Youve just proved to yourself that you CAN do it, even if it feels uncomfortable. Dont stop now......
Why not go again next month? :)
Paula x

30-08-11, 20:02
Thanks Paula! I may well do that. It was quite a long film too so quite pleased with myself! Feel quite tired tonight which is ridiculous but think it's all the mind power I used to get myself there...lol!

paula lynne
30-08-11, 20:05
Yes love, its blooming knackering having anxiety. Now, pat yourself on the back, put your feet up, and have a cuppa.....you took a huge step today.....very well done! :D