View Full Version : A post to help everyone who says "Why me"?

13-05-06, 11:20
Just thought I would post a small article from my book, it is for everyone, but mainly for people who struggle with the guilt of not being the person they once were and everyone who says "Why me?"

Really hope anyone who reads it gets something out of it.
Never give up the struggle as knowledge really is power with anxiety and panic, the more you learn the less fears you have, and fear is the very thing anxiety and panic feeds on to keep it going

Take care


Feeling guilty

A lot of people who suffer from anxiety experience feelings of guilt and somehow think that this means they are weak. This guilt is brought about by the realisation that someone who at one time could do things so easily, now struggles to get through the day. They may be in a relationship, or have children, and feel guilty that they can no longer do the things they once could with their partner or children. They may even fight their way through the day, putting on an act to prove to themselves that this thing will not get the better of them, only to go to bed at night more tired and anxious than ever. Anxiety can affect people from every profession, even doctors, the very people we first go to for help, so let me stress that you have nothing to feel guilty about.

Some partners may be very understanding about how you feel, but some may not. They may put pressure on you to ‘pull yourself together’ and the constant strain of trying to cope can tire you further, your partner’s lack of understanding hindering recovery. Thankfully, I did have an understanding partner and I explained to her that the person she could see was not the real me. I asked her to bear with me and told her that I wanted to be the person I once was and that, in time, I would be. I lost a few friends, as I was never available to go out. Certain people at work would snub me as I hardly spoke, but I did not wallow in self-pity! I knew I had to let all this negative stuff go and because of what I had been taught, I was not going to add any more worry to the mix. I also knew that I could sort all those problems out later when I was better.

At times, I felt like I was playing a role in a film, acting to try to appear normal, while other days attempting to hide how I felt. The pressure I felt trying to maintain this act, day after day, was immense and eventually I stopped trying to be the person I thought I should be.

So if you see yourself in this way, learn to put yourself first. You cannot keep trying to be the person you once were. You need to stop putting on an act, admit that you are no longer the person you used to be and you tell yourself that you don’t have to keep up this pretence any longer.

If you have an understanding partner, then great, you have the support you need. If not, I would suggest that you start talking to each other and ask your partner to listen. You can even suggest that they read this and explain to them just how much you need their support while you recover. If they truly care, then they will understand and give you this support. A lot of their anger is caused by frustration, frustration that the person they see is not the person they fell in love with and they want you back as much as you do. A little more understanding from them may give you the freedom to start recovery

Self-pity is another emotion that can drag you further into your illness. Again this stems from a reluctance to accept the way you are as you ask yourself the question ‘Why me?’ Constantly feeling sorry for yourself can only eat away at your spirit and cause you to feel more and more depressed about the way you feel. It is very easy to fall into this trap and I cannot stress enough just how important it is to accept how you feel and harbour as little self-pity as possible. Self-pity is a destructive emotion that will only prolong your negative feelings. You don’t need negative thinking during your time of recovery, so let all the negative thoughts go and build on the positives.

13-05-06, 11:42
thanks paul,,

another most inspirational post which i have enjoyed reading,,
fortunatly i do have an understanding and supportive girlfiend ,,,but it must be hard on the partner,,

thanks again paul,


better to fight for something than to live for nothing

13-05-06, 12:26
Hi Paul

How can I buy your book ?

What you write is so right - this particular topic definetely hit home with me.

Strange thing is Ive always been in difficult relationships and now I am with someone who is so caring and understanding and perfect for me but I feel I dont deserve him.

Hopefully I can get over this.

........life is for living not just for surviving

13-05-06, 12:53
Hi Dark,

Glad you got something out of my post.

If you want to buy the book it is available on my website www.anxietynomore.co.uk

I don't push the book on anyone but it is there if you wish to read it. Reading through my site you will see that I just like to help others.

I also do love to post the knowledge I have gathered through the years, espcially when I receive feedback from people like yourself.

Take care


May Day
13-05-06, 12:56
Hi Paul

Thanks for this article. It's very interesting and very true, especially the part about having an understanding partner. I believe that we aren't totally dependent on ourselves to recover but are very much affected by those around us. If they are able to help us feel happy and supported we will fair much better.


The brightest, sunniest day may follow the darkest, stormiest night ... enjoy the sun

13-05-06, 13:22
A few questions:

1) Why does everything everywhere seem to be aimed at people who are in relationships- or have people who care about them? Personally reading through things that discuss letting other people down in that sense make me feel rubbish because I don't really have anyone to let down other than myself.

2) As a for questioning "why me?" I know the answer to that for myself- but it still doesn't stop you asking sometimes- like, why the other stuff. When being "positive" I get told I am "ignoring" my feelings, which just confuses me to be honest!

3) I know I may be having a bad few days- but is there anything practical that tells you how to put it all into practice?

"I just wanna live my life sedated, cos I love driving myself away"

13-05-06, 14:14
Thanks Paul, this is so me! Although I have been here before and have got the 'old me' back when i got better. However, it wasn't the same 'old me' if you get my meaning - I put into practice a lot of strategies to reduce the stress and anxiety, then I really improved. problem is I didn't keep it up and I'm back again but not as bad as before, so next time I'm gonna try and get a new, better me back!


'This too will pass'