View Full Version : SEX with Escitalopram / Lexapro / Cipralex

30-08-11, 09:37
Hi. I really would like to know about people's experiences of sex in regards to taking Escitalopram. Does it affect your ability to become aroused, the sensation of sex, or the ability to orgasm?

Im currently on citolopram and this does affect the sex drive for me!

I would like to know about other people's thoughts on this matter. Thanks.

30-08-11, 13:35
Hi Richard,

When I was on Citalopram I found only one issue pertaining to sex, and that was delayed orgasm. I would be sexually aroused, especially once you are feeling better but the delayed orgasm sometimes would leave my wife not wanting to spend 30 -45 minutes....

On Escitalopram I find my libido is decreased (not drastically though) but otherwise everything else pertaining to sex is normal.

30-08-11, 16:55

Well from a female point of view it has not affected my sexual experience at all, and I have been on and off Cipralex (escitalopram)for 8 years now.

The past two years I have been in a steady, intimate relationship and it has not affected anything for me, thank goodness!:)

31-08-11, 07:16
Debs ? Do you have a positive experience of this drug then? ( appreciate any input here...)

17-09-11, 06:40
Well just to keep you all updated; I've now been on Ciprolex for about 2 weeks, just 5mg a day.

It's a lot better than citolopram for me, and it doesn't kill my libido half as much, although it does a little I think.

However, I can basically miss a day and my libido is back the next night, so for now in my life, that's a good enough result!

16-11-11, 17:31
Been on Cipralex for about 6 weeks/2months give or take.

I have noticed delayed orgasm. It was a worry as I normally have a high sex drive but it hasn't been anything major.

17-11-11, 14:57
re libido, I suggest missing a pill the night or day before, that does remove the spontaneity but hey it works and you can still be spontaneous at other times, just wont be as much fun

27-11-11, 20:40
i have been on cipralex for 2 years and my desire for sex is 0, it has got worse and is not helping whe your partner wants sex all the time.. so much pressure to get into it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-12-11, 16:31
I was on and off Citalopram for several years. It lowered my libido and delayed (even prevented) orgasm. I came off it 12 months ago but recently started with panic attacks again. Doc put me on escitalopram just over 2 weeks agao - 5mg - the libido is still good but the orgasm is delayed - not prevented so far!
Pretty sure the 5mg are 'just about' controlling the panic - no side effects beyond the first 2-3 days.
All good so far!!