View Full Version : Head pressure, tension headache.

30-08-11, 10:38
I've had a worsening one for what seems like months.
It's a pressure around my head, over my temples, down my neck, the back of my neck where my head meets my spine is horrible tense. I feel like my head is just being squeezed constantly. It's got so bad that I can't even sit still comfortably or lay down because the pressure gets worse.
Anybody else had anything of the sort?
I have pains behind my eyes, pressure behind my eyes and my nose. ARGHhH.
Nurofen just doesn't seem to touch it!.
Massage doesn't help.
Heat isn't helping :(
I'm dizzy so spending most of my days just around the same area of the house.
I'm thinking brain tumour with all my other symptoms at this severity :/
I don't know how it's got this far, to feeling this bad 24/7 from the symptoms I used to post on here a year or so ago.
I have daily tingles, numbness, in every part of my body, weakness, dizziness constantly, temperature waves, hot legs, hot arms, always feelin faint hard to breathe and moree, racing heart, poundin heart, dissoriented, vertigo.
I used to think THAT was bad! Now look at me :<

30-08-11, 13:47
It's been lasting all day, just now and it's still going on I've been walking up and down the street for an hour or more feeling on the verge of collapsing, legs wobbling, breathing weird, head hurting, feeling very heavy like I'm being pushed down into the ground, dizzy and not able to place my feet.
I'm scared I have been worryin about anxiety these years thinking it's getting worse when really I could have something serious.
Whats worse is I can't do cars so I wouldn't be able to get to the doctor and I have a phobia of doctors and hearing the worse or collapsing in there or on the way.
I have felt cocnstantly this bad for about a month with every hour or so getting these mad horrible things :(
The only thing helping me is thinking if it comes and goes then it can't be serious.
I can't sleep much :(

30-08-11, 13:49
Sorry to go on, I also keep making myself throw up because it relieves the pressure in my belly.

30-08-11, 14:56
I just feel that if this is anxiety it has become so accute that it's constant and the symptoms are massive and the only way I can get out of it now is if I'm just put on some mind numbing body relaxing drugs for a while whilst my body revives.

Gemma T
30-08-11, 15:27
Sorry to hear ur so bad. The symptoms will stop but u have to relax. U can stay away from meds but u will need to speak to someone about ur troubles.

I'm sure there's nothing wrong with u but u have to relax. U will get through this x x x

30-08-11, 15:58
I hopes so :(
Has anybody had these symptoms 24/7?x

30-08-11, 16:19
It's been lasting all day, just now and it's still going on I've been walking up and down the street for an hour or more feeling on the verge of collapsing, legs wobbling, breathing weird, head hurting, feeling very heavy like I'm being pushed down into the ground, dizzy and not able to place my feet.
I'm scared I have been worryin about anxiety these years thinking it's getting worse when really I could have something serious.
Whats worse is I can't do cars so I wouldn't be able to get to the doctor and I have a phobia of doctors and hearing the worse or collapsing in there or on the way.
I have felt cocnstantly this bad for about a month with every hour or so getting these mad horrible things :(
The only thing helping me is thinking if it comes and goes then it can't be serious.
I can't sleep much :(

This sounds like me 3 months ago. I couldn't function. I was at work and had to leave as I had all these symptoms and I felt like I was dying. It was awful. I took a week off work but the rest didn't help. I ended up back at the doctors and was prescribed anti depressants and betablockers. I only took the betablockers and they have helped enormously. It sounds like your body is living on constant adrenaline and you need to give it a holiday from it so you can get better. The betablockers do zonk me out a bit but it's a small price to pay for getting rid of the awful anxiety symptoms that adrenaline causes. Please see if you can get in at your doctors asap. You don't need to put up with these symptoms. Your body is crying out to you to fix it xx

30-08-11, 17:07
This sounds like me 3 months ago. I couldn't function. I was at work and had to leave as I had all these symptoms and I felt like I was dying. It was awful. I took a week off work but the rest didn't help. I ended up back at the doctors and was prescribed anti depressants and betablockers. I only took the betablockers and they have helped enormously. It sounds like your body is living on constant adrenaline and you need to give it a holiday from it so you can get better. The betablockers do zonk me out a bit but it's a small price to pay for getting rid of the awful anxiety symptoms that adrenaline causes. Please see if you can get in at your doctors asap. You don't need to put up with these symptoms. Your body is crying out to you to fix it xx

I know I need help, I had beta blockers at one point I took them for a while but I just stopped them, my anxiety wasn't as bad at the time but I was on a very low dose 20mg once a day which I think wasn't enough, I should really try and get hold of some more maybe a higher dose.
I was on Sertraline but that just made me feel awful for the whole time of taking it so I stopped.
I dodn't know what to do it's constant, painful, scary, I feel lie I'm going to die at ieast 5 times a day, I used to get nice quiet nights when the anxiety faded but now it doesn't fade and follows through the night, I get woken up by it tooo.

30-08-11, 18:14

i get headaches on a regular basis too. they are not debilitating but can be worrying however i do have very stiff muscles in my neck and shoulders which i think can cause it i also grind my teeth when im anxious so im sure this gives me a tension headache too.

its scary i know i also get some other neurological looking symptoms like muscle twitching, feeling dizzy and spaced out, 'tired' eyes and ringing in the ears. this has been going on for a couple of months now and comes and goes.

have you been to your doctor?

Gemma T
30-08-11, 18:25
I had a headache for two weeks. I took paracetemol and ibuprofen. The only cure was acknowledging it was anxiety.

x x x

30-08-11, 18:49
I am exactly the same I am on my 5th week of a constant headache and have had migraines too. I have a lot of tension in my shoulders which I am struggling to relieve. Some times during the day it eases but has not completly got at all, pain killers are not helping at all. I have started doing my relaxation cd again tonight so hoping that's going to help. All my symptoms are the same as yours, I know that's not a resolution for you but at least you know your not alone.
Take care
Ann x

31-08-11, 11:55
Nothing seems to help, i told my friend yesterday it's like I'm living a hell atm, because for the past month I have not really even had a good 5 minutes.

31-08-11, 12:23
Hi I have had these symptoms for nearly 2 weeks now as well as muscle twitches. On Sunday I felt so bad with head pain, pressure and nausea that I went to our out of hours doctors. I was referred straight to the hospital. I was then admitted to hospital as they were worried about my symptoms and I had to stay in and wait for an MRI scan. I had this done yesterday and as you servers convinced I had a brain tumour. Anyway the scan came back all clear :) still getting the symptoms tho but just to reassure you that I had the same symptoms as you

02-09-11, 11:29
Hey, i totally understand where you are coming from. Im getting tension headaches a lot lately and they are extremely un-nerving. Im on amitripyline to try to prevent them but not much has changed. But they say it takes a few weeks to start working so ill continue for now... they do help me sleep however feel tired most of the time. The tension head ache feels like my head is stuck in a tightening vice. There is a short term tablet that may help called synadol... i have taken these before.. they relax your muscles and make you quite sleepy... maybe worth a try when you have a bad one? Its all about thinking the reason you have this headache is because of your anxiety and panic but i know this is easy to say!!!!! It def is worth going to the gp if you can... explain exactly how u feel and he/she can provide something that may help??? Try lavander oil to... and relaxation cds... these take a while to work but some of them are quite good once you get used to it.... :-) x

02-09-11, 20:25
Midnightcalm, how are your headaches, I still have mine so tired of it now, I am the same nothing is relieving it.
Darcey, I am on amitriptaline for headache/migraines too, I started them last november they worked brilliantly for about9 months but stayed on the same 10mg dose, but I started having bad headaches again, so doctor has asked me to up my dose.
Kirstynic, its good your mri came back clear, so you know nothing serious is going on there.

05-09-11, 14:00
I still have it off and on, it gets so bad now! Yesterday it made me feel really nauseous!

05-09-11, 18:51
I have felt nauseous with mine too today. I am so fed up with anxiety, I feel ill everyday, I am trying so hard to overcome this agraphobia but dont seem to be getting anywhere, although I can go round the block on my own in the car now which I couldnt before, but any further and I have to have my mum come with me. I am having cbt and have been for over a year now but still struggling. wish we could all wake up in the morning anxiety free.
Hope your feeling better today.