View Full Version : Cant sleep, bad anxiety (new member)

30-08-11, 14:43
Hi i am a new member,i have had anxiety for many years. At the mo i am going through a bad patch. I cant sleep,shaking,cant eat,feeling sick, and bad thoughts going through my head. Just restarted taking citalopram (forgot to take them on holiday) These i think are the problem, but i know if i keep taken them i will be back to my normal self. I would just like to know if there is anybody out there with the same symptons who could give me any thoughts.

Thanks. (going mad )

Gemma T
30-08-11, 17:58
Welcome! Im sure you will find all the support you need.

Everyone is really friendly and have similar experiences to you.

I have health anxiety and depression. Is yours more generalised or something specific?

Love Gem x x x

30-08-11, 18:16
Thanks gemma, its general anxiety, but this time i have no worries, so thats why i put it down to the pills (my fault for not taking them on holiday) seems i am back to square one. Been to docs today and he has given me some Zopiclone @ 7.5mg. will try tonight and hopefully get good nights sleep, instead of being up all night pacing up and down.


Gemma T
30-08-11, 18:23
Its mind over matter.

I forgot to change my nicotine patch the other day. Went 6 hours with no nicotine and i didnt have one craving. Until i realised of course.

Im sure thats why you got the anxiety. Maybe you depend on them now. I wouldnt know of course because I dont know much about the meds as Ive never taken them.

You been taking them long?

30-08-11, 18:24
Sorry gemma how rude of me, how are you ?
are you on medication and is it under control ?
Andy xx

30-08-11, 18:27
Yes it is mind over matter, but sometimes pills have side affects.
Been on these for nearly a year now.

Gemma T
30-08-11, 18:28
lol dont be silly. Were talking about you not me.

I have health anx and depression. Ive started CBT again. I say again because I had it two years ago. Went away and came back because of some health probs i have.

Ive never taken meds. I read all about them in psychology once so would avoid unless 100% neccessary. Plus I dont need more symptoms to think about lol.

Im ok though. For now. May change in an hour lol oh the glorious life hey!

You feel better now?

30-08-11, 18:39
not there yet, but feeling alot better thanks.
wish i was as strong as you with no meds,although when i am well i am very well, but is that the pills or mind over matter ? lol.
Will be starting another course of cbt soon,everthing makes sense but its just trying to put it into practice.


Gemma T
30-08-11, 18:46
These days im not even sure whats real and whats mind over matter.

Thats good. Has CBT helped in the past?

My docs have never been keen on meds anyway. Their theraphy fans lol

30-08-11, 18:57
I think it has,perhaps i didnt practice enough.
will give it a another go.

Gemma T
30-08-11, 19:20
Well good luck with it all and feel free to private message if you ever need to talk x x x

30-08-11, 19:28
Thanks for making me feel welcome.

will do and you can do the same.

Andy xxx