View Full Version : Need assurance

30-08-11, 17:40
I got blood tested at a GUM/Sexual health clinic last September and everything come back ok and have had no new sexual partners since.

It's just since then i have had Geographic tongue, Molluscum and now i think i have thrush.

I'm scared that i have HIV or something. I keep trying to reason with myself and tell myself i have already been tested but i'm starting to think they have made a mistake or didn't test my blood for HIV. Why else would these things happen to me?

Gemma T
30-08-11, 17:47

All your problems are stress related. You know this.

Thrush is called by stress and a ph inbalance. You dont have aids, I promise you.

If your that scared go again. But your results will be negative so its up to you.

Its not like you sleep around with people in countries where aids are as common as the cold. Had you gone to one of these countries and slept with a random person without a condom I would drag you myself.

You'll be just fine.

Gem x x x

30-08-11, 17:57

All your problems are stress related. You know this.

Thrush is called by stress and a ph inbalance. You dont have aids, I promise you.

If your that scared go again. But your results will be negative so its up to you.

Its not like you sleep around with people in countries where aids are as common as the cold. Had you gone to one of these countries and slept with a random person without a condom I would drag you myself.

You'll be just fine.

Gem x x x

Thank you for that Gemma. You probably know as well as anybody you need someone to tell you how irrational you are being sometimes. With HA your mind does horrible things to you.

Gemma T
30-08-11, 18:06
I understand babe. Its horrible to deal with this on a daily basis and consumes you and your rational mind.

Im here when ever you need to talk. Just drop me a message.

Gem x x x

01-09-11, 12:42
I'm going to go to a GUM clinic and get tested. I just can't get these thoughts out of my head. I'm really worried.

Gemma T
01-09-11, 12:48
You might as well go then babe. But when u get ur results bk and show clear (because they will) forget about this. If ur clear 6 months ago and clear now then u most certainly don't have aids x x x