View Full Version : My journey and now one Citalopram

31-08-11, 03:28
Good evening all! I stumbled across this forum a few times, and figured this may be the place for me.

In late 2003 after many unexplained trips to the DR and ER I was finally diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. I would have random panic attacks out of the blue, and some so alarming I thought as if I were going to die.

I started to see a new DR who prescribed Zoloft to take each day. I started on 25mg and to 50 in 2 weeks. During this time my panic attacks became more and more frequent. While riding in a car, I had the biggest attack of the time. I immediately called my Dr who suggested upping my dose to 100MG. From there, my life became hell! I couldn't leave my house without having an attack, even sitting at home I was in fear! I became so afraid of the outside world I could not work, or even pay thye bills anymore. My rent became months past due and I had spent the winter locked in a home with no power or heat! My parents would drive 45 mins to check on me and I wold hide in a bathroom pretending not to be home until they went away.

In Feb of 2005 I finally called my mom and asked her to come get me. Until Aug of 2009 I did not even venture to my mailbox! I had no social life, I was just existing in a room of doom! Sept of 2009 my parents separated and my father attempted to commit suicide right in front of me! From that day forth I stated I wanted to start living again! I started by asking my mother just to take me to the store. We started venturing out within a 5 mile radius for a few months.

In July of 2010 my mother moved to Oregon (I live in GA) and my safety was pulled away. I was abandoned and scared! After a few trials and tribulations, a wonderful man found his way into my life, and has been a complete godsend!

Over the past year, I have made great progress and he does well at getting me to the local shops and out when I want to go! Realizing I am still not living life as as 29 year old woman should, I took the plunge 2 weeks ago and finally went and saw a new DR, one that my family has seen for ages. He prescribed me Citalopram, 20mg. And told me to split the pill in half for 2 days to get my body adjusted to the medication.

After being med free for over 6 years, I was extremely against it. But knew something had to be done! So after a bit of chatter with myself, I decided I would start with 2.5MG and work my way up! I started this last Monday, the first day was pretty easy! I was tired for about 30 mins, then was filled with energy and motivation! Surely because I felt I was moving in the right direction. I went to bed that night and found myself having slight anxiety, but being alone with your brain some times isn't the best of placed.

Day 2, again was 2.5MG and the same thing for the most part! Buzzing around throughout the day, but the night was bizarre! When I laid my head down, the thoughts came swooping in! I decided no more pills until I spoke to my DR. I called him first thing that morning and was told he was off that day. So I went on about my day, soon to realize that my "womanly" gift had been granted! So I felt kind of dumb because I did not know if my anxiety was the meds or my hormones!

2 days later he finally called me back and told me to keep taking my meds as I had and prescribed me Ativan as well for emergency's. While I had been waiting for his call, I went ahead and found me a great counsler for some CBT abilities! My appointment with her was Monday, so I told myself I would wait til Tuesday to start my meds again! My visit with her was great! Although it was just mainly me talking and telling her my life with anxiety!

Today is now Tuesday and I took my pill about noon today, so far I feel as if I have not taking anything, I didn't feel that buzzy feeling, just had no real craving for dinner! I am hoping tonight will be one with no anxiety or panic attacks. If I can make it through the night with none of that nonsense I will be extremely happy!

01-09-11, 00:49
Well good news! I made it through the night with no anxiety or panic.

I woke up this morning and started day 2 on 5mg on Citalopram. No really bad side effects, however at about 6 I started yawning like crazy and feel over all very tired. But figured I needed to at least get to the store, just so I didnt get in the mind set that I needed to stay home until I knew how the meds would effect me! We were out for about an hour and I feel so drained.. Maybe pizza will pick me up so I can make it to at least 10pm lol..

If all goes well and no anxiety tonight.. I will be trying the 10mg tomorrow..

01-09-11, 18:12
I had a similar experience to you, Mary. In the UK Zoloft is (or was) called Lustral, and I was given that first. It was far too euphoric, my mood would zip straight to the sky and then drop, then go up again..... it also nauseated me to death! I was prescribed it for major depression though, anxiety wasn't the presenting symptom, although it was certainly there. I was switched to Citalopram and I've gone from strength to strength. Don't expect any miracles in the first three weeks - I did feel more nervous sometimes, but it faded away. Once you're stabilised, you'll have them less and less. Putting lavender bags in your pillow REALLY helps bedtime nerves too!

I also get periods of fatigue, although that's another thing that occurs less and less as you carry on with it. I took my dose at 6pm for the first six weeks, and now I've switched to mornings, taking it in the evening for a while might help, because when the peak concentrations occur in the brain it'll be midnight and time to think about bed!

I started on 10mg and the doc said I could double to 20mg after 5-10 days. I tried doubling on the fifth day and it was like being hit in the face by a chair! So I went back to 10mg for a further 5 days and then doubled up, and I was fine. Slow and steady wins the race!

01-09-11, 19:04
thank you for your feedback! I am glad I am not alone with the Zoloft experience. It is one I never wish to experience again! Its taken me over 7 years to readjust what that drug did to me! (and I did to myself)

Today is my day 3 of 5MG and still so far so good. Just last night I was so tired about 9pm, but fought through it and fell asleep just fine and slept very well! I was almost terrified to go to bed, because last week on day 2 I suffered extreme anxiety before falling asleep.. But last night was a BREEZE!

Woke up today and feel a bit motivated.. The tiredness and nausea have subsided. I was suppose to jump to 10MG today but figured I would ride out the rest of the week on 5MG and do weekly upgrades until I reach 20 lol.

How long have you been on your meds this go round? And do you think they are helping you?

05-09-11, 13:54
I'm in the eleventh week now, and the difference it has made to my life is nothing short of remarkable. I'm so much improved, energy levels have picked up, I am talkative and animated during social interaction just like I used to be, and I have a clear head that is far less junked up with miserable thoughts going round and round....... I just wish I'd gone to the doctor earlier instead of letting things get worse for 18 months. My bad experience with Lustral stopped almost immediately when I got switched.

One thing I have noticed...... if people or children are behaving badly in public, I now stride up to them and tell them to Sort It Out! I never would have done this before! A little girl tried to push in front of me when I was getting on a train the other day, and I bent down and yelled at her "There's a QUEUE! Stop being so RUDE!" and not only did her mother pull her away, they sat at the opposite end of the carriage from me, so I wasn't bothered by her constant atrocious behaviour! I think I have stopped suffering fools. Can't decide if this is a good thing or not, but I don't really care!