View Full Version : moving house again!

31-08-11, 05:19
this is the 3rd time i will be moving house in the last 12 months, i fee l like i have been on a rollercoaster..dont think i can take much more, this is the last time though,,,we have finally bought a house after renting various houses. my childhood piano teacher died last year and her house came up for sale, it was in the area we wanted so we decided to buy, the only thing is that it was in a terrible state so we have been doing it up and have managed to get 3 rooms semi done

out tennancy runs out on saturday (3rd) and we have to move out into new house (with 3 kids),no kitchen, dirty toilet, no downstairs rooms useable.. we have also nearly run out of money to spend on it !!

we are having carpets fitted friday, double glazing 2moro, all a last minute rush!!! we tried to hire a large van but they are all sold out, now im panicking that we cant get a van in time or fit out stuff in the house and i cant sleep

my partner is busy on and off trying to get house sorted b4 we move in, meanwhile im looking after our 3 young kids trying to pack to no avail, im soooo worried, i got no-one to help and the kids keep crying at me .... i have got to help life so much stuff

so worried we wont get a van hired :(

havent been able to sleep, my guts always go when im worried, i have to keep going to the loo (does anyone else get that?), on top of that i have come on a really painful period, and feel like i need a rest rather that pack n lift...

macc noodle
31-08-11, 07:20
Oh Kitty Pink

You have got such a lot on your plate at the moment you are bound to feel stressed - don't they say that moving house is one of the most stressful things you can do.

So, be kind to yourself - do as much as you can and be satisfied with that- it will all come right in the end.

I am sure that there are plenty of other companies your hubby could try to get a van rental from.

The kids will be fretful at the moment - they feed off our worries you know and having seen allthe change with the house moves etc they are bound to feel a little anxious and playing up is the only way young kids can express themselves.

How lovely to have your own home at last and one which has lovely childhood memories for you :D

Keep calm Kitty Pink - it will allcome good in the end.

Macc Noodle


PS: Yep my guts go when I am anxious and stressed too !!