View Full Version : All clear MRI so what's causing headaches?

31-08-11, 12:42
Hi everyone I have had various worsening symptoms for nearly 2 weeks.

Constant headache
Head pressure
Jaw ache
Muscle twitching
Also feel like sometimes arms or fingers are going to lock or freeze

Anyway I was admitted to hospital Sunday and had to stay in to be monitored untill I had a MRI

Had the scan yesterday and it wad all clear so what could be causing these symptoms??????

31-08-11, 12:49
Did they not reassure you at the hospital?

Probably tension for some of the symptoms and anxiety for the rest.

31-08-11, 13:45
No just said brain was all clear and it could be stress, anxiety or doctor may need to do tests as could be lacking in something?

Would anything tooth related eg wisdom teeth or tmj show on MRI?

02-09-11, 05:58
It could very well be TMJ, I was going through a similar thing, I bought a mouth guard at the store to wear at night and it's helped a lot. We clench our jaws unknowingly and anxiety makes us do it even more. I hope you feel better soon! :hugs:

02-09-11, 09:04

I agree could definately be tmj I have all the same symptoms as you and I grind my teeth alot. Don't even realise I'm doing it sometimes. It can cause all the muscles in the head, jaw and neck to become really tense.

Its a good sign if your scan was clear. It rules out anything serious so try to relax (easier said than done I know) and it should improve

06-09-11, 21:10
But it could be oral cancer couldn't it? I read up on it today and pretty sure the MRI wouldnt pick that up

07-09-11, 00:09
It could also be TMJ too, or even issues with your neck.
See a dentist for the TMJ and chiropractor to see if any adjustments to neck and back might help, they also can work with TMJ issues.

Just because you think you have oral cancer doesn't mean it is true, You don't have any sores, or lumps or lose teeth. A headache is really not a symptom of oral cancer, either is muscle twitching or jaw ache. In fact you have no of the most common symptoms of oral cancer.

An MRI would pick up any tumors or lumps, a dentist would pick up any discolorations of the mouth and sores.

07-09-11, 00:52
Sounds like tension anxiety.
Maybe take note of if your shoulders are up tight. Head pushed forward instead of balancing on top of your neck nicely. Sometimes it is noticing just how tense we hold ourselves.

07-09-11, 10:02
No it couldnt be oral cancer as that would definately show on an MRI,
Sitting wrong or too long on Computer
Not sleeping well
Talking too much on the phone LOL
Pinched nerve in kneck or shoulder
The list goes on and on but definately not cancer
Hot towel or wheat bag in microwave, across kneck and sit back and relax for 10 mins.