View Full Version : Panic sufferer with slight depression

31-08-11, 15:13
Hi, My name is Jodie, I live in Dorset with my partner and have suffered with panic attacks on and off for the past 14 years. They seem to be a lot worse at the moment and I cant seem to shift them. Along with this has come some depression. Im always tired and often scared to go out and do things, be around people. My panic symptoms are far worse, with arms going numb and not being able to use them (i even pinch my skin and touch my arms for reasurrance), constant shaking, burning chest, dizzyness, and very achy muscles. I feel like such a freak and sometimes feel like im losing my mind. I started CBT therapy but because of underlying issues and depression i am now on a waiting list to see a councellour before i can continue CBT. Im on 25mg of amitriptyline which slightly helps with my tension headaches and does help me sleep... although makes me quite sleepy all the time! I have also started a local 'low mood and anxiety' course but only been to one session (which was really hard)so im not sure how much it will help but slightly optimistic. I saw this website and thought it would be really helpful to talk to other people who feel the same as i do cause its an extremely hard illness to cope with and except. And im not very good about talking about it to friends and family etc.!! :blush:

31-08-11, 15:14
Hi Dracey

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

02-09-11, 00:26
Hiya and welcome to NMP I hope you find the help and advice here and maybe make a few friends in the process


02-09-11, 08:51
Hi Jodie :welcome:to the forum.