View Full Version : Bad back ache since upping dose-FED UP

31-08-11, 16:35
Hi everyone
have already touched on this subject on someone elses thread-but feel awful today. Since upping to 20 mg 5 day ago Ive had awful muscle aches in my back-like really bad flu and a sore throat Im sure its the citalopram. Have internet searched this connection and there does seem to be one and muscle aches are listed in the side efect (uncommon ! ) Its SE s like this that make me want to throw in the towel. Am seeing doc later so see what is advised. Just wondered if anyone else had this. Im in week 4.

Hugs x:weep:

31-08-11, 21:08
well I went to the gps earlier for my first months review on cit-he was nt convinced that my muscle aches were to do with the meds -even though its in the side effects list said to carry on with 20mg-sort of put up with it attitude-so am back home feeling fed up-what to do? stay on 20mg or drop back down. . . . .

01-09-11, 15:50
Hmmm, I experienced a similar side effect especially at 40mg of Cit. I think it is the increased anxiety in the initial month of taking cit that leads to tighter muscles and this then causes the pain. It should stop after about 2 months.

01-09-11, 17:45
Please try and stay with it. I've had a few funny things happen (this is my tenth week of treatment on 30mg/40mg alternate days) the cavernous yawning, up-and-down moods during the first ten days, arm & chest pain, sweating..... they do go away for most people. The occasional bout of fatigue still occurs, but I am more than prepared to deal with that as the benefits it has given me far outweigh it.

If it carries on for weeks and doesn't get any better, get the doc to switch your medication to a different type. If one doesn't work, another usually does. I was on sertraline at first, but it was far too euphoric and nauseating, and I had the most horrible dreams, so they switched mine. And yet my neighbour started on citalopram, felt like a zombie, and went to sertraline, and she's never felt better. She's back at work, socialising, she took up painting and she's writing a book, whereas before that she was incapable of doing anything. It's all a bit of a mystery, but there's always hope.

01-09-11, 18:02
Aww thanks for the replies guys.Had a bad night last night my back felt like the muscles were burning. It has nt been as bad today but Im trying not to think about it and taking paracetamol when I have to. The doc said when the dose is upped it take 2 weeks for new SE s to settle ( if i was listening properly ) In retrospect I dont think I made the most from my review appointment -must have come across as a whinger !but then I cant help the way Im feeling my moods are everywhere. The side effects on this med are wide ranging and it seems different for everyone-roll on another 2 weeks x:wacko: