View Full Version : Feeling of Being on Edge - All the Time!

31-08-11, 18:07
HI - I've been suffering from increased anxiety due to insomnia over the past few weeks (curiously enough since having been prescribed Xanax - I've only been occasionally taking a half a 5 mg tablet but I'm sure it has made me worse). Yes, I get increased heart rate sometimes, but normally am steady but I have this feeling of being wired and jittery- like my heart is constantly pumping adrenalin around me. Kind of like I am hyper-aware of my core. It's hard to describe - nervous energy? Bit like I'm on edge all the time or the rush you get when you get a shock - but I have it all the time pretty much!

I am sleep deprived too, which doesn't help.

Does sound like the norm for an anxiety sufferer? Is the Xanax doing this to me? I think it is. I was never this anxious before it, and I only take a pill when I really have issues (3 and a half in total over the past two weeks), to help me sleep which takes the edge off but I swear I rebound from it and it makes me worse (more jittery, insomnia, more anxious).

I think the Xanax is going in the bin from now on.

31-08-11, 19:35
I dont know abt the xanax but see how you feel after a week of not taking it ..Your nerves need rest and Vit B complex taken during the day will help settle your nervous system .It also help s produce Melatonin the sleep hormone .Avoid stimulus 2hours before bed as this increases brain activity and contributes to Insommnia .Instead read or listen to some gentle relaxation cds or relaxing music .Then have a nice realxing soak and some warm milk/malt drink before bed .Milk contains Melatonin so aids sleep . Hope you feel better soon .Sue x

31-08-11, 19:42
Thanks Sue - I've been trying hard, but nothing seems to work, but will keep at it. The Xanax is going in the trash, I just picked up my diary and saw a correlation between insomnia and heightened anxiety and taking Xanax. Someone also just warned me that this is the premise of Xanax addiction - it makes you feel good for a while, then you rebound, so you take it again, and the vicious cycle starts. I am super sensitive to RX drugs so I'm not surprised it hit me this way.

I will go without and see how I get on. Thanks again.

31-08-11, 20:47
Hi Mrs. Bee - I "spoke" to you over on your other thread yesterday.
I just wanted to say that when I took valium and zopiclone (sleeping pill) on an as needed basis I got this rebound anxiety also. Caused me to be depressed the following day too. The initial calming relief is wonderful.. but then time comes to pay the piper!!

Suzy-sue's advice about not taking it for a week sounds good - give it a go and see how you feel.

I do hope you can get to the bottom of all this - it's horrible having to suffer anxiety :hugs:

Belle x

31-08-11, 21:32
Thanks Belle - I lose track, honestly, my head's a mess. Thanks for the reassurance. Bee x

07-10-11, 10:32
Hi there - I have never taken Xanax but totally get how you are feeling - I have had anxiety for over a month (after a couple of previous episodes years ago) and I would say I feel exactly like you do. I took seroxat previously which made me feel like my old self fairly quickly but this time disagreed with me and made things worse. I am on cipralex this time which is slowly helping but I am having problems getting to sleep and then I wake a lot in the night. All I can say is that things do get better - be kind to yourself in the meantime. Good luck x

07-10-11, 10:55
hi i havent taken anything but i am having trouble sleeping ,2hours at most eachnight:( so i know how you feel,ive tried everything to sleep,i dont know what to do? are you stressed about anything before you had trouble sleeping?

26-09-13, 13:46
Dear Mrs. Bee,

I cannot emphasize enough the Dangers of Xanax. I was diagnosed as having "panic disorder" after experiencing a nervous breakdown 4 yrs ago and was prescribed a very large dose of Xanax as well as Ambien. I became addicted to both and was never told what would happen when I tried to stop taking the Xanax. After my 3rd day of not having the Xanax in my system, I was at the park with my children and experienced what was the 1st of 3 Grand Mahl seizures. These seizures almost took my life and so I checked into a Rehab to get off these drugs safely. This was 18 months ago. Since that time my husband and I have been leading a Celebrate Recovery at church. Please, please don't go the Benzodiazapine route. There are many other ways to deal with anxiety.