View Full Version : Pins and needles / numbness in left hand and foot & nausea.. please help????

31-08-11, 19:27
On Monday morning, after a night out drinking, I woke up feeling fine and was going to take the dog for a walk, when I noticed I had a pins and needles feeling in my hand, mostly the little and ring finger of the left. It then seemed to go up my arm and into my face, around the cheek area, but just at the left side.
I started to panic and thought I was having a stroke.
Since then (its now wednesday) it hasn't gone off. I also feel very sick, I try to eat but just feel as though I am going to be sick. I don't even feel hungry. I just don't feel myself, like I am dying or something! Also my left boob tingles and hurts as if I am cold. I went to the doctor and she didn't have a clue. Said she would send me for scans but doesn't know what of or when. I am 22.
what could this be? please help me.

31-08-11, 19:56
this is what i get in my left arm too but mune starts on my shoulder then spreads and i get petrified every time its here

If its any help this has been happening to me for 3 months, probably more and im still alive - im having it as we speak and i thought it was a heart attack as i have chest pain also but am managing to still type -

sorry i cant help more and i do now that the other guys will be the biggest of help to you xx

01-09-11, 00:55
I get it too, and likewise have had it for 3 months since my first panic attack and am still here! For me it's a lot to do with tension in the neck and shoulder pressing on the nerves. This can even carry through to the chest area!

I actually did get admitted to ER and hospital because some silly nurse told me over the phone that I was having a stroke because I'd just started the birth control pill shortly before. Many tests later, inc. MRI, CT scan, monitoring I was declared normal.

Try not to worry, it's a very common symptom of anxiety, I know that now because mine flares up when I panic, it didn't use to, it was there a lot of the time. Tightening of the facial muscles is also a symptom of anxiety.

It's rotten, but there are many people on here who suffer the same symptoms.

The sick feeling is probably nausea, caused by you worrying about your other symptoms.

01-09-11, 11:53
This explains your symptoms ...http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms/ sue x