View Full Version : Heart Attack Question

31-08-11, 20:15
Does anyone know what actually happens - not the symptoms or anything i mean

Are you completely floored or would you still be able to walk, talk, make a cuppa etc

I know that probably sounds really stupid but its something i would like to know as it may or may not stop me having this heart attack obsession


ps - i am refusing to resort to dr google hence the question

macc noodle
31-08-11, 20:30
I am sure that you really know the answer to the question !

The answer to your question is that it would depend upon the severity of the attack but generally NO you would not make a cuppa!!!

You know that your heart is fine - please dont waste time worrying about it :)

Macc Noodle


31-08-11, 20:39
i try not to macc but it keeps happening out of the blue and this was always a question i never knew the answer too - i suppose in reality i did but at this momeny i get fuzzy brain :(

31-08-11, 20:47
There are many outcomes to a heart attack and it usually is related to how much of the heart muscle is affected. A certain percentage of people die suddenly but get that fact into perspective.
If you survived then it can range from hardly any morbidity to a very disabling outcome.
I did work with somebody who worked through a couple of days with an undiagnosed heart attack, all he felt was a form of indigestion. He spent 5 days in hospital but has never looked back so as you can see it's very variable.

31-08-11, 21:11
My heart attack was bad pain in the centre of my chest that wasn't normal for me and I had an ache in my right arm.

My partner called 999 as I knew it wasn't the normal chest pain I got.

I was able to go to the toilet before the paramedics carried me downstairs in a chair.

My uncle had a heart attack and didn't even know it really. He thought it was angina and he had been down the pub having a drink with a friend. It wasn't until much later that he went to the hospital and they told him he had had a heart attack.

31-08-11, 22:15
Hi, my husband Rob had an heart attack 2009. He said that he had shortness of breath but no pain and nothing else. So i dialled 999.

02-09-11, 22:49
wish i hadnt asked lol all ive done now is make myself more scared

02-09-11, 22:55
Everyone is different - there is no one heart attack and that is it. We all react differently

03-09-11, 00:55
So how dowe know if it's a heart attack or just anxiety? Xxx

03-09-11, 15:50
hi well i say u would def know if u was having one i have a medical book and im always reading up on things esp heart probs. usally u get crushing pains in the center of the chest breathlessness and vomiting. but remember anxiety can cause all of this. my doc says if u think your having heartattack run up an d down the stairs if u can do this your ok. or jog on the spot. also health books not always the best thing they make things worse.

03-09-11, 17:38
So how dowe know if it's a heart attack or just anxiety? Xxx

You will know trust me. The pain is very different to anxiety chest pain

03-09-11, 17:39
hi well i say u would def know if u was having one i have a medical book and im always reading up on things esp heart probs. usally u get crushing pains in the center of the chest breathlessness and vomiting. but remember anxiety can cause all of this. my doc says if u think your having heartattack run up an d down the stairs if u can do this your ok. or jog on the spot. also health books not always the best thing they make things worse.

I wasn't breathless or sick. I also had the pain in my right arm and typically it is your left arm with a heart attack.

Not sure about the running up and down the stairs bit either. After my heart attack they wouldn't even let me walk down the stairs, I had to be carried down in one of their chairs.

03-09-11, 22:29
Hi, my husband Rob had an heart attack 2009. He said that he had shortness of breath but no pain and nothing else. So i dialled 999.

Hi haynsey, how bad was his shortness of breath? Was it relatively mild or was he gasping for breath?

03-09-11, 22:55
Please try not to get too hung up on this whole heart attack thing.

If you want to know all the facts then please look at the British Heart Foundation website which is very informative.

Some people are lucky like me and do survive heart attacks so it is not all doom and gloom. Yes my life has changed a lot and I have had make changes to my life because of the heart attack but I am still ALIVE and I am trying very hard to make the most of life.

Worrying about having a heart attack is not productive. You need to take steps to prevent one and that is something everyone can do.

07-09-11, 20:47
My dad had a mild heart attack last year, he was out on his bike ad thought it was indegestion but it got worse. He managed to ride his bike to a pharmacy, but by all accounts, looked and felt terrible.
He seems to have made a full recovery now though:)

07-09-11, 21:13
My dad had a mild heart attack last year, he was out on his bike ad thought it was indegestion but it got worse. He managed to ride his bike to a pharmacy, but by all accounts, looked and felt terrible.
He seems to have made a full recovery now though:)

Sorry to hear about your dad.

Just wanted to add there is no such thing as a mild heart attack though. You either have one or you don't. I did ask the cardiologist about that.

When you say recovered do you mean his heart suffered no permanent damage?

08-09-11, 02:52
Watch you must know is that rob has insulin diabetes and neglected his illness, his levels were always high the year leading up to his attack..

The shortness of breath was extreme, he was lucky!! BUT, you must understand the Rob is very overweight and ate badly for years before his heart attack all the high fat and sugar contributed, and was told by doctors to monitor his diabetes better which he most certainly DID NOT and that led to his attack.
Nic, is right, look after yourself eat right, and exercise and you should be fine... Rob has more than one medical problem and that led to his heart attack, its all about lifestyle, please dont worry about it life is far too short!!!:hugs:
Regards Angie

macc noodle
08-09-11, 09:47
I am, as my friends on NMP will know, an immense worrier about health issues but this thread has really made me sit up and take note about looking for reassurance from people and how this affects us once we get the advice!

Why worry about a heart attack? Especially if you are young and in relative good health - the chance of cardiac crisis is relatively low.

And so if you do have a heart attack - what next ? Thousands of people have cardiac arrest and do not die - they go on and live their lives to the full.

Yes, underlying health conditions can be a major contributory factor as Haynsey's post demonstrates and if you suffer one (an underlying health condition that is) then you have to be vigilant about your overall health and how you look after yourself.

I have a friend whose father died from a major attack but who had survived three other attacks. This friend then suffered a major attack at the age of 45 and needed a triple bypass BUT survived and lives life to the fullest now and appreciates every day - not a day is wasted worrying over the possibility of having another attack and needlessly checking out their heart!

This thread demonstrates the obsessive need of some HA sufferers to have anecdotal reference of symptoms leading up to a heart attack which they can then reference into their own health anxiety and interpret bodily sensations as proof positive that they are indeed having a heart attack - which is a dangerous and needless place to go to.

Don't waste your life imagining that you have a condition that you do not have!

From a fellow HA sufferer who is recovering (and sometimes wobbly) !!

Macc Noodle


08-09-11, 16:52
There is a difference between cardiac arrest and a heart attack, a heart attack does not always stop your heart and people must recognise that as that gives the best outcome long and short term.
I think the main issue with cardiac neurosis is that it's the constant symptoms that remind us of our mortality, if we had no ongoing symptoms it would disappear. Well it would for me ha ha. It's that chest pain, palpitations or shortness of breath etc that play on our minds, for me knowledge is power so understanding my symptoms help but I know a lot of people do not like to know. With me I have been told by doctors and therapists to do what you can ignoring your anxiety as what you dread will not happen. Well I am still here as I have not died yet but I have collapsed so they are not entirely right but I have other health issues brought on by anxiety and stress.

08-09-11, 18:31

I thought that anxiety/stress can't really hurt us or cause something to happen to us.

Like you, I'm also obsessed with everything heart related and I suffer from a lot of bad anxiety.

I also have acid reflux/heartburn which intensifies my palps and raises my anxiety.

What health issues has anxiety caused you to have?(if you don't mid me asking)

I'm also terrified that something bad will happen to me due to my anxiety and constant awareness of my heart and other bodily functions.

08-09-11, 18:56
I thought that anxiety/stress can't really hurt us or cause something to happen to us.

Stress can cause problems yes. Mainly as it increases blood pressure and releases something (can't remember the name sorry) into the blood stream that is also not good for us.

08-09-11, 20:38
Mark anxiety and stress in most cases do not cause any real major issues but in my case I have a genetic pre disposition to vaso vagal syncope and associated ME/CFS. Basically I had a very high stressed career due mostly to long hours and being called into work from an on call room 3 plus times a night once or twice a week for basically 30 plus years. On top of this I got ill with Oesophageal ulcers and at the same time my daughter had a undiagnosed pregnancy which resulted in being told she was pregnant on the Saturday and on the next day she had a 42 week term baby, some shock I tell you. Then my birth family contacted me after 50 years as I was adopted so I had to go for counselling which was very traumatic as my whole first years were dragged up. Then my father had a diagnosis of Lewy body dementia.

Then I sustained a needlestick injury at work so I had to have a Hep B vaccination which brought to the surface the genetic predisposition. So as you can see I had many issues going on and a few more. The Cardiologist said the vaccination was the last straw for my body, it broke the main fuse so yes long term sustained stress can have consequences. It was only after this I got my cardiac neurosis, anxiety and panic attacks which are all integral parts of having ME/CFS

Nicola was the word catecholamines

09-09-11, 19:29
leiajulie hi!, i don't know how old you are, and i'm not going to guess your age caus it's rude lol, but if your young and have a heart attack, the vast majority of the time you would be doubled over, paralized, unable to do anything! the what my GP told me anyways, and if u can't trust ur healthcare professional, who can u trust?

if defianetly anxiety, hope you feel better:hugs:

"If you're walking through hell, walk faster" -- Joan Rivers

10-09-11, 21:57
Hi Coming across this thread I am reading about myself.
I suffer with HA and its all to do with my heart. I feel every slight twitch squeeze palpatation tightness general pain in my chest and automatically think I am having a heart attack. It is so frustrating. I am trying to teach myself toignore it but sometimes its so bloody hard.
I even ended up at docs and having an ecg the other day.
I have been for CBT and they feel I have made great progress and I have to go now in another 4 weeks. I didnt think I had done well but obvisouly I have.
Anyway sorry for babbling on I just wanted to say reading everyone elses feelings and thoughts, as much its awful for us, It does help knowing people are going through the same feelings and thoughts.
Hope everyone can soon stick 2 fingers up to HA
Stacey xx

14-09-11, 18:34
Everyone is different - there is no one heart attack and that is it. We all react differently

If this is too personal I will understand. How old were you when you had your heart attack my ex had a heart attack when he was 46 he is 59 now I dont really know what caused his he had stress at work but he also has the worst temper that's why I left him and now I have ptms with what he put me through. and I do worry about myself as most people who suffer with axiety do. I just don't think I could cope if it happend to me but my ex husband copes really well.

Cathy xx

14-09-11, 19:11
Hi Cathy

I had my heart attack on Sept 27th 2008 so it is coming up to 3 years soon.

I was 42 at the time.

I guess I have to cope so I just get on with it. My heart can't be repaired and the left side has a moderately impared function and the heart is larger than it should be.

I can't turn back the clock so I just live for today and make the most of life now.

14-09-11, 19:28
Thanks for your reply Nicola

my ex husband's left side of heart was also damaged but he remainds healthy. It usually is men who have heart attacks before the age of 50 it is very rare a woman has one but there you go, Who knows? xx
You sound very positive x

Cathy xx

14-09-11, 20:44
I had other problems at the time though Cathy - the Crohn's flareup which may have caused it.

14-09-11, 20:46
I know it's surprising what other symtoms people have to deal with it's not just cut and dry I understand that but it was good to hear from you thank you

Cathy xx:)

14-09-11, 21:12
You're welcome

jo h
15-09-11, 08:53
Hi Coming across this thread I am reading about myself.
I suffer with HA and its all to do with my heart. I feel every slight twitch squeeze palpatation tightness general pain in my chest and automatically think I am having a heart attack. It is so frustrating. I am trying to teach myself toignore it but sometimes its so bloody hard.
I even ended up at docs and having an ecg the other day.
I have been for CBT and they feel I have made great progress and I have to go now in another 4 weeks. I didnt think I had done well but obvisouly I have.
Anyway sorry for babbling on I just wanted to say reading everyone elses feelings and thoughts, as much its awful for us, It does help knowing people are going through the same feelings and thoughts.
Hope everyone can soon stick 2 fingers up to HA
Stacey xx

I am exactly the same as you Stacey...took my self to a and e just over a year ago ..spent all day in having tests ...nothing ..but i still worry about the pains :( xx

04-06-12, 23:46
thanks fpr all those replies, my pc kept crashing on here so just got new laptop so im back with a vengence

not feeling 100% but alot better than i was when i started this post