View Full Version : beta blockers

31-08-11, 21:29
hi guys. so my doc has given me beta blockers but im such a little girl lol i dont wanna take them incase it stops my heart im laughging writing this but im really serious she has sent me to see a cardiologist fir a 72 hour ecg so just waiting for an app for that x

31-08-11, 21:39
They won't stop your heart they will just lower your heart rate. My my has them but they bring her heart rate really low as she didn't have a fast pulse if your pulse is up over a 100 it will bring it down to normal rate. Have you been given them for anxiety?

Hazel B
31-08-11, 21:42
They block the "fight or flight" adrenaline reaction and calm a racing pulse. Your GP would not prescribe them if there was any risk that your heart was already slow.

Beta blockers helped me to beat anxiety, along with lifestyle changes and counselling.:)

31-08-11, 21:43
thanks guys. i have had them for 3 days and not took them yet x

Hazel B
31-08-11, 21:49
It's your choice entirely. All I can say is that they helped me and then I fought myself to get fully well. My pulse had been 130bpm and my resting pulse is usually 64bpm, so the tablets did the physical change. I had tried to calm myself by breathing and using meditation CDs but they did not work for me.