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View Full Version : Please read fear I'm losing my mind!

31-08-11, 21:35
Hi thank you in advance I'm in desperate need of help.

Ok I'm scared I'm losing my mind reason.......I think there's demons or ghosts going to kill me!

I sound stupid I no I do but it's real fear. U watched paramo oak activity 2 (I watched it has I'm not normally scared of things like that don't overly believe and the first didn't scare ne too much), any way after I watched it hubby went away for a week and I was a ness with it all. He came back and it settled then he was going again and it started to cone back again. Cane to stay with friend and it died down I was sleeping etc now I've come on my period ( sorry for tmi) and it's got worse 2 nights of not sleeping and being paranoid.

I'm now scared of what this fear will do to me.......


Push Me other the edge and do something silly in pure dear
Or get locked up for actually losing the plot.

I don't no where to go the doctors weeks ago just gave me sleeping tablets which I won't take.

How can anyone be paranoid a demon/ ghostbusters after me and will kill me in some way?


Hazel B
31-08-11, 21:46
Hi, I once got paranoid after not sleeping for 2 weeks. I thought my neighbours were going to stab me, that my life was on camera (like The Truman Show) and that everyone was looking at me and plotting against me. The lack of sleep had messed with my head. Anxiety also gave me all sorts of fears at its worst.

I would gently say that you need to get rational and see that something has triggered the fear in you. It may be the combination of being alone and your hormones, I always flip out 2 days before and have to look after myself better. I also lose sleep with PMT and then you don't see things as well.

I hope you sleep later and start to fell better tomorrow.:)

31-08-11, 21:52
Thank you so much I guess I'm finding it hard cos it does feel like I'm losing my marbles cos I no that my thoughts are irrational