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View Full Version : Head sensations!!!!

31-08-11, 21:54
Hi All,

I rarely post, but tonight since putting my children to bed I have been having really strange sensations in my head. It has lasted for nearly 2.5hrs and I know I won't be able to sleep tonight so I'm hoping you guys will be able to reassure me (I don't want to start googling!!!)

It's not painful just a tingling numbness at the back of my head and temples. The tingling stops in a particular place and it feels as though it may lead to something bursting.

Does anyone get this? Is it another symptom of anxiety? Or something I really should get checked out?

Sorry if I'm rambling, I just don't know what to do and don't want to get too worked up

31-08-11, 21:58
Hi I have had this before. My dr said it was stress. Easy for me to say (even though I do it myself!) but try not to worry, if you relax I bet the sensations will go xx

31-08-11, 22:42
Hi yes I've had this on and off for about 2 years, in fact my very first post on this forum was about this subject. It's a very bizarre feeling and I tried at the time to explain it to people but no one understood what I meant, so thats why I decided to ask on here.

I've still got no idea what it is, but since I stopped convincing myself that its something serious, it seems to have calmed down a bit - or I just dont notice it anymore.

Someone on here suggested to me that it might be tense neck muscles having an effect on the scalp...nevertheless, I DON'T think its anything serious. (Whatever it is lol).

31-08-11, 22:56
Thanks guys, its just not letting up and is now turning into a headache. Think I'll try to go to bed early and see how the next few days are as I am getting this sensation more often. I know if I think about it too much I'll start to freak out and won't be able to sleep. I really appreciate your advice, it has settled me a bit x x

01-09-11, 01:39

I get this too it is strange but I'm sure its to do with tension.

Your not alone! Take care!

01-09-11, 01:41
It's tension from your shoulders and neck.
Becareful of clenching your jaw , that tension can travel up behind your ears to your head.
The pins and needles are normal i get them a lot, massaging my neck and temples can help, some times I use a warm wheat bag on my neck.