View Full Version : Worse anxiety

01-09-11, 12:27
Just now this morning I was due to start a computer course, a small one with only about 5 people on it in the same room, but before I left the house, I was soaking wet with sweat, and I had to change my clothes :blush:. This really bothered me and happens everyday when I interact in a social situation, either face to face or over the phone :mad:. I ended up not going to the course and cancelled :weep:. They were very understanding, which was good.

The doctor said to me last week that he would take me off citalopram and try something else because citalopram can sometimes make anxiety worse, as they seem to do with me. I reffused to come off citalopram because of how they have helped the depression. But now I am thinking I should try what the doctor suggests, because these anxiety attacks I keep having make me sweat so much it really bothers me alot. I just can't remember what the tablets were that he said he wanted to switch me on to. :unsure:

Would anyone have an idea what the tablets may be, and if they may help me to stop the anxiety sweat attacks I have.


01-09-11, 17:54
I don't know what they could be, but I do know that when excessive sweating occurs with panic & anxiety, the doctor used to add a beta-blocker (usually propranolol) to the antidepressant prescription. Propranolol doesn't have any psychological effects, but it reduces autonomic symptoms of panic and anxiety like sweating, muscle spasm and tremor. There's no need to come off citalopram though, you can take them both.

It sounds like your doctor is thinking of taking you off citalopram completely though. He may switch you to mirtazapine or venlafaxine, which are both first-line treatments for generalised anxiety disorder. Or he may have his own ideas, there are plenty to choose from. He/She will keep you in touch with what's happening.

By the way, the increased nervousness usually stops after 2-4 weeks with citalopram - I noticed it, but it didn't worry me, I was expecting some side-effects and I'd been warned. Once I'd stabilised, I felt great, and I still do.

01-09-11, 20:20
Thanks for the reply Vinitharya. I don't think I can take beta-blockers because I am a type one diabetic, and I have heard that they reduce the hypo awareness signs.

It could be one of the other anti depressants you mention, because my doctor did say he wanted me to come off citalopram as they seemed to increase my anxiety. I don't like the sound of mirtazapine because they can make you eat more, which is not a good idea for me as I am diabetic. Maybe he suggested venlafaxine then. I have made another appointment to see him for monday, to see what he can suggest.

Citalopram do really agree with me and have been a really helpful for the depression, I don't won't to come off them because of this, and that they also seem to have a useful side effect that helps me, which is relief from nerve damage pain in my legs. It is just the sweating that I find a real problem.

06-09-11, 07:59
The other anti depressant the doctor was going to try me on was trazodone. But I have cut back my does of citalopram to 25 and that works so much better for me than 30. My doctor said that is great and I can stay on 25. He did also say that it is strange how cutting back by 5mg can make so much difference, but everybody is different so why not stick to 25.

this is great as I am not to keen on trying another anti depressant