View Full Version : Could the meds be causing joint pain?

01-09-11, 12:49

I'm currently taking Venlafaxine 150mg, Mirtazapine 30mg and Propanolol 4x10mg. I've been feeling alot of pain in my knees for a good while and it seems to be getting worse. Whenever I walk up or downstairs I feel it and especially when I crouch down and then get up the pain is quite intense. I should perhaps point out I'm only 31 so I figure it's not old age quite yet. Also, if I sit or stay in a position for a while my legs feel kind of dead, not completely but I have wait quite a few seconds for them to feel right. I've mentioned about the joint pain to my Doc and he seems to think that the meds are not the cause. He examined the knees and says there nothing physically wrong. I really need to find out what the cause is because its really starting to bother me. Has anyone had this kind of problem whilst taking the medication I've mentioned? Any advice is much appreciated.


06-09-11, 19:41
Is it listed as a side effect? I have not taken those drugs before, but most of them come with side effect packets. This thread caught my eye because I did experience joint pain as a side effect of an antibiotic recently, where I truly felt like I had arthritis in every joint of my body and I am 23 so I knew that wasn't right. I went to the doc who took me off the antibiotic and then I got better. I don't want to say google it, but you can look up side effects online.

09-09-11, 16:16
Thanks for your reply. I've had a look at the possible side effects and joint pain is one for Mirtazapine. I think I'll have to see my Doctor again and see what he says.