View Full Version : Waiting rooms

01-09-11, 13:17
Hi all

am sat in wating room for my psych assessment and am a little anxious. thank god for smart phones eh.

i dont know what will happen, but thought id post due to being anxious.

wish the chatroom was accessable by phone lol

lucy devine
01-09-11, 13:22
you're gonna be fine :)
try to stay calm :) i don't know what advice i can give you tbh other than i'm thinking about you and sending huge hugs :)
hope it goes well xxxx

01-09-11, 14:02
huge hugs jac and believe me i am sitting here shaking on your behalf so you dont need to

01-09-11, 15:04
gee thanks guys, i chewed gum and sat on my hands to control the anxiety.....and answered a pretty questionnaire.

lol @ the look on the guys face when i told him i was a student nurse!!