View Full Version : Ovarian Cancer fear again...can anyone relate?

01-09-11, 13:41
Hi guys, this fear has come back to haunt me again as I have all the symptoms. I am 39 and have had only one child. Anyway I have indigestion, lower abdominal aching, lower back pain sometimes, constipation sometimes, trapped wind, bloating, strange kind of pulling sensation sometimes in my lower right abdomen, sometimes my left. I have spoke about my symptoms to 2 different doctors and had my tummy felt 3 timesn and neither of them seemed concerned, and the last one just said its constipation! I also get pain and aching in my right leg. I think the reason I have got scared again today is because my trapped wind is awful today, it feels like my belly is gonna explode, and I can't get it out either way. Does anyone else have all these symptoms, and how did you deal with them, how many times to the docs etc?

01-09-11, 13:43
Oh I forgot to add urinary frequency which I get 2 or 3 days a week.

01-09-11, 14:08
Yep - I have all those symptoms to. I have had blood tests and scans and my ovaries look normal. I also have irregular bleeding and a lump in my groin which has recently been diagnosed as fibrotic node. I am just off to the doctors again as my chest is tighT and I have a dry cough with added pain in leg and numbess in foot. I wonder when it will all end for me - I am worn out and fedup :(

I can wholly feel for you too - have you had any tests to rule out ovarian. I am sure that anxiety is causing most of our problems any normal person would just 'not notice' or 'ignore' there body. It is because we are so in tune to any tiny change ... I cant offer any advice but I here feeling the same way x

01-09-11, 14:24
hi, i can relate to what you're going through. At the moment i've convinced myself that i have bowel cancer.

I have lower back pain, change in bowel habit (i do have ibs so not unusual for me) passing urine more often, ibs can do this too, excess wind that sometimes refuses to pass, lots of gurgling in my stomach.

My gp and cbt therapist think my anxiety is causing this and if i look at it rationally i can see that too but unfortunately i don't use my rational mind enough.

Have your gps not mentioned having a scan just to reassure you? HA is a horrible thing and can cause all kinds of symptoms that can really scare us.

how long have you been having these problems? I've had mine for 3 months now and its taken its toll on me.

Hope things improve for you soon, living in fear every day is torture.

Tracey xx

01-09-11, 15:19
Hi guys, thanx for the replies. I have had the problems with my digestive system for the last couple of months and that does coincide with me starting to take fluoxetine 40mg again, but I didn't have these symptoms last time around. My Doc is reluctant to send me for a scan cause she thinks it may make the anxiety circle worse. Its quite scary tho to think they might misdiagnose just cause you suffer from anxiety. After all anxiety sufferers get physically ill too! I have had a problem with my leg for over 2 years now, so I do put that down to sciatica, cause my rational head tells me that if I had a tumour for that long, I wudnt be here now! And tbh I have had a lot of stress over the last couple of days and had problems breathing this morning, so the trapped wind and bloating could be down to that. I think I am worried about all this stuff though cause last time I was ill I didn't have any of these symptoms, they were all head related. And it just seems I have got every symptom of ovarian cancer, except for loss of apetite and weight loss\gain. I am just getting so fed up of being scared everyday and wish I cud be braver, I want to go back to the person I was when I could get pains and not think twice about it! Does your stomach ever feel so heavy and tight it feels like its gonna pop?xx

01-09-11, 16:15
MVP - I could have wrote those words above. Just got back from having a chest xray after seeing the doctors as sent straight away - due to my lymph swelling in groin. Sorry have to sign off now has little one needs his dinner but will be back later. Hgs x

01-09-11, 17:45
MVP, I had real worries about ovarian cancer (think I posted about it on here a couple of years ago). I had lower left sided abdo pain and urinary symtpoms. I went to the GP and he said constipation or IBS could be causing the pain. I said "yes, but the pain is quite severe, constant and not colicky". He just dismissed me. A month later I went again and saw a different Dr as the pain had been continuous. Again, he examined me and I raised my fears about ovarian cancer. He said he didn't think it was anything, but I asked him to refer me for an ultrasound, which he did very begrudgingly. The day of the scan I was a nervous wreck, but the sonographer was lovely and told me straight away everything looked normal and there were definately no tumours. Wierdly, the pain went away very shortly after, but I later found out I had a UTI which hadn't responded to a particular antibiotic. Once they changed the antibiotic the urinary symptoms went away too. Just wanted to say that you can have pains and distressing symptoms but it doesn't have to be caused by something serious.

01-09-11, 17:52
Really realte to this, have been worrying about this on and off for a year and really badly the past few months. I've had horrible indigestion and vomiting episodes for two years and am only 23 and have had gas/ bloating issues for at least 4 years, but these have got worse in the past year. Now I get horrible bloating, pelvic/ abdominal pain and wind at night and the morning. The gastro doctor I was seeing for the indigestion/ vomiting sent me to the gynocologist as the vomiting almost always happened on my period and he thought it might be endometriosis. They did a scan in January and said everything looked really healthy so am I being completely ridiculous worrying like this? Most of my family has indigestion/ ibs problems and its never anything really serious and most of my symptoms are IBS like. As far as I've gathered from the doctors I've seen they only really worry when you lose weight or can't manage a full plate of food, and I don't have either of those problems. Argh, it really is horible worrying like this!

01-09-11, 20:05
Thanx for your replies guys, just knowing I'm not alone helps a lot :-) At the moment I am in such a lot of discomfort, my back really hurts, my sides hurt, my abdomen is swollen and heavy. If I relax my stomach I look about 6 or 7 months pregnant. And I keep getting the odd dragging stabbing pain in my lower right abdomen. Surely this can't all be down to trapped wind, I have never suffered this kind of discomfort before. Thanks all you guys for your support and I really hope you are all better soon and me, cause all these physical symptoms really get in the way of normal life, I can't even think about planning a holiday or a day out in case I feel bad, I get so fed up. I'm going the docs again on Monday and will be scared if I get sent for a scan! Why do we always have to think that every pain is something serious?xxx

01-09-11, 20:43
your not alone i get pains like you to mvp, horrid i also get right sided pain so glad someone else does.

01-09-11, 20:49
Good luck at the doctors on Monday x

01-09-11, 21:10
ER I can really empathise with all your symptoms. I've suffered like you and am sitting here worrying about the lower abdominal pain I've got on both sides. I'm on 3 types of tablet for IBS, none of which are working and the doc wants to now put me on a 4th type (Sertaline - an antidepressant). He doesn't seem to realise that it's the IBS that's making me depressed not the other way around! Can't sleep and at it's worst the wind/pain/constipation wakes me up when I do sleep. Am now worried it's my ovaries although I had a scan last year and it was clear. Hope you feel abit reassured by this as I know how scary it is :)

02-09-11, 07:37
Thanx once again guys for all your help. The only thing is this morning my sides are really sore and I am tempted to google colon cancer, please talk me out of it!

02-09-11, 14:43
don't do it worse thing u can do.

02-09-11, 16:39
I have been a good girl and not googled for once. I am still worried about all my bloatedness, gas and sore back and tummy. I am going to docs on Monday, has anybody else had this that has lasted for a long period of time?xxx

04-09-11, 23:30
I have it now im afraid... last week i wrote a post about breathlessness and mentioned the previous month it had been ovarian cancer i had worried about following day i woke with tummy pain and side pain, yesterday it was back pain edging round my tummy so straightaway i think defo ovarian cancer, .. yep i do have ibs and have been under mountains of stress this week, im not off food and have had no gain/loss but i do have achy tummy and back and cant get rid of feeling something is wrong, i dont go to gp as she wasnt that nice and does not have much time for people with anxiety unfortunately, so i come on here as least people on here understand and never make me feel odd.
sorry your suffering and hope it eases soon x... im sure it will! x

05-09-11, 10:59
Hi katie

i can so relate to you and your pain do you get on your lower right side at all, i do and back ache etc, hate and worry so much at the mo.

06-09-11, 03:27
Hi - I spent the past 6 weeks in a panic as my Mom has been suffering from right sided pain/pressure in the area of her ovary, lots of gas, back pain, diarrhea, constipation, frequent urination, and sudden weight loss due to loss of appetite. She had a pelvic ultrasound done and nothing was found, but her right ovary was not visualized so we still were very scared as the symptoms continued. Her normal doctor brushed her off - so last week she went to a new doctor who ordered a full workup (including bloodwork and CT scan) and everything was NORMAL. No tumors, no cancer. She is fine. Plus, with the good results of the tests, her anxiety relaxed and her appetite is back. I know it is so hard, but try not to worry - your symptoms are those of IBS.