View Full Version : Was wondering if anyone experiences this on a night out?!

worried 101
01-09-11, 16:26
hi guys...was wondering if anyone else gets these feeling when they go for a night out as I havent been able to go on one with my friends for so long! The last few times that I have gone out I was having a really good time and then would get this overwhelming panic, literally horrible, for no good reason...i hadnt done anything wrong, but the next day I felt awful trying to think what I could have done and why I had this horrible feeling of guilt.One time it was so bad I got into such a bad wave of depression I couldnt work for a week and was such a mess. I have been out drinking since then I have been ok but still get really paranoid and anxious the next day, so in the end I decided to give up the drink and the gioing out...but its got to the point where I'm thinking im 21 years old and I'm missing out on all this fun because of my paranoia!My boyfriends got a big gig this weekend and all my friends and family are coming and I'm wondering wether maybe this would be a good time to test my drinking ability out as I really want to have fun and dance and act like a normal 21 year old! I thought this would be the perfect time as I would be around my family and friends who all know me really well and know my situation...what do you reckon guys?!

01-09-11, 16:35
Alcohol is a depressant, so it makes sense that you feel depressed after. It may just affect you a lot in that way. I know I have felt depressed for a day after a night of drinking. I also find it magnifies whatever mood I am in, so if you are already anxious/depressed at all, that may be why it is even worse. Does that make sense?

01-09-11, 16:53
I agree with swgirl..I get in a very bad mood if I drink a lot..and the next day I feel like crap...mentally & physically.