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13-05-06, 23:47
I had my MRI. My doc was supposed to call me for a follow-up when they got thw results. They didn't but the nurse called me with them (after I called 3 times). There were no "anatomical abnormalities or masses" in the MRI but my GP wants to schedule a follow up after I see an ENT on Monday. A couple of questions:
1) Are there other kinds of abnormalities other than anatomical. Does this mean that something is wrong and my doc wants the ENT to tell me?
2) Why does the doc want to follow up with me when they didn't call me for the 1st follow-up in the first place
3) It seems as though my dizziness is getting a little worse, but my allergies are starting to act up as well. Can allergies cause dizziness? I worry I'm going nuts!

Thanks guys,

14-05-06, 02:42
Hi April

From what you've said it sounds routine. Your doctor probably just wants to catch up with you after you've seen the specialist and has all the reports through.

The 'no anatomical abnormalities or masses' sounds like the nurse was simply reading from the MRI report and I would take it as good news that nothing else was mentioned.

Maybe the ENT specialist will be able to put your mind at ease on Monday.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

14-05-06, 12:20
Its good that you are all clear for any abnormalities. If your allergies are playing up and they affect your nose etc. its all connected. Also the dizziness is probably just because you are worrying


'This too will pass'