View Full Version : Think I have PTSD .. advice appreciated

01-09-11, 16:47
Hi, I think I may have PTSD. I am currently seeing a counselor, who suggested it, but has not really helped with treatment much.

This started when my mom passed away in January of this past year. She found out November 27 2010 that she had neuroendocrine cancer that was in her lungs, liver, and colon. It was a very bad month and a half after that until she passed away. I was with her almost every day, and she truly suffered. Not to go into too much detail, but I wouldn't wish what she went through or what we went through being with her on my worst enemy.

After her death I dealt with symptoms that seemed like PTSD, as my counselor said. I would have flashbacks to her dying, in pain, etc. I had nightmares every night for many months. I still have them, but not necessarily every night now. If I saw/heard anything that reminded me of what happened, I'd dip into a deep depression. Eventually the symptoms were not as bad, but still difficult. I suffer from extreme anxiety.

Also more recently I was extremely violated by my brother-in-law. I don't want to go into details, but now I cannot shower or be intimate with my boyfriend, whom I love, without feeling sick. I have seen my counselor, and again she said it is PTSD, but hasn't really offered up much treatment.

My question is what type of counseling do you recommend? Is there a specific type of trauma counselor I should see? Any other tips?


04-09-11, 18:23
HI swgl09

I'm so sorry to read what a difficult year you've had, losing a parent, especially when they have suffered so much is so hard, my mum passed away with colon cancer 4yrs ago so i truly understand what you have been through.

Its good that you have had a counselor to help you through this time but therapy for ptsd needs to be more in depth. A therapist who has training & experience with trauma will be able to guide you through your experiences, helping you to understand them & how you have reacted to them & then help you to heal.

I suggest you discuss this with your doctor as they will be able to help you with diagnosis & the next step in your treatment.

Take care

20-09-11, 20:54
Look into a therapy called Somatic Experiencing - helpful for PTSD - but if you go for it, make sure you find a properly trained therapist.

Good luck x

12-10-11, 15:40
I am very sorry to hear all of the hardships you had to go through. PTSD could be a possibility, but you never know, everyone deals with things different ways. I am 18 and I thought I was showing symptoms because when I was in grade 9, on christmas I witnessed my grandfather die, he was my best friend and it changed everything. He was my last grandparent and seeing him die suddenly, on christmas was hard for me. xx