View Full Version : Am I on the right meds?

01-09-11, 18:06

I started yesterday on 20mg of citalopram, I have previously been on them but with propranolol, when I was on the two together I felt great and had no panic at all, Stupidly I thought I had got better so I came off of them.
The last month or so the attacks have come back and I feel worse than ever, so as I said I started yesterday and already feel very anxious had a panic attack last night that I just couldnt control, my eyesight seems a little blurry I have been feeling nausous have a fast heartbeat, feel Like I cant breathe properly, I have trembling hands and arms and generally just feel rubbish.
Is this all normal symptoms, I know it probably is but as I didnt have any side effects last time I am not sure.
Also on the packaging it says that it is for depressive illness but I am not depressed so should I be on them any advice would be great as I just feel so anxious.
Hannah. x

01-09-11, 18:25
Go back on them. Don't make the mistake of stopping because you feel better. You need to be on them MINIMUM six months if you really want to combat your anxiety. Citalopram isn't just for depressive illness, it works for a number of related conditions where depression might not be a factor (or not the main factor anyway!)

Go for it Hannah, stick with them. I'm on a minimum course of two years, I feel so much better now after only ten weeks, but I'll stay on citalopram for as long as it takes. It's a long-term disorder that needs a long-term solution. And good luck!

01-09-11, 19:30
I am not depressed either but I am also on 20mg Citalopram! Im now nearing the end of week 2 and Ive also had some slight shaking in my hands, feeling a bit breathless! But the palpitations subsided after a few days! You should be fine..stick with it I feel a difference already! x