View Full Version : Can someone help:Moles (picture)

01-09-11, 18:57
Today I noticed my mole just above my ankle. Its always been there, but I havent really give it much thought. I do not know if its changed shape or size but after reading about Mole cancer I am worried, its not all one colour and quite patchy :( im a moley person and now im checking all over, this one seems abit weird.
So im freaking out. I am seeing my doctor tomorrow to have it checked, but if anyone can have a look and let me know what you think it will help calm me, as im feeling sick and shakey and worried :weep:


Thats the link to the picture, I must add I never have any bleeding or itching, so thats one positive and its not big, it looks big on the pic because its close up x

01-09-11, 19:05
You need to get that looked at.

*How big is it? Would you say it's smaller than the end of a pencil?

01-09-11, 19:10
Im going tomorrow, but im very scared right now :(
Yes its smaller then the end of a pencil

01-09-11, 19:12
I agree it is best to get it checked out, we are not saying you have malgnant melanoma but it is slightly suspicious looking because of the mixture so for your peace of mind see your Dr and he will decide if it need to be removed or not.

Remember loads of people have moles removed all the time just to check they are not cancerous.

Let us know how you get on

01-09-11, 19:18
Thanks country girl Il let you all know how i get on, its not bothered me once before seeing it today now I feel sick guess il have no sleep tonight x

01-09-11, 19:20
These kind of moles that are smaller than 6mm often turn out to be benign, but it's definitely the kind of mole that needs to be checked.

I know it's easier said than done but try not to worry about it too much.

01-09-11, 19:25
I'd get it checked out...keep us posted!

01-09-11, 19:33
I am, but put yourself in my shoes right now people, im a worry freak with health anxiety and im sat here thinking i have the C word :( I feel sick.. :(

01-09-11, 19:37
Skin cancer is one of those cancers that is curable..not saying that is what you have! My brother inlaw had it on his face and got it removed...he's fine!

Please don't jump to conclusions and wait to hear what the docs have to say..hang in there.

01-09-11, 19:38
I am, but put yourself in my shoes right now people, im a worry freak with health anxiety and im sat here thinking i have the C word :( I feel sick.. :(

I know how your feeling, but let's say worse case scenario it's Melanoma. The fact that it's smaller than 6mm and does not itch or bleed means it would be at a very very early stage. The success rate in the removal of Melanoma at this early stage is something like 99%.

If you had a big multi-coloured blob, which itches and bleeds than you would need to worry .

01-09-11, 19:46
Thanks guys. I need support like that, as Im very negative about things, I will try and get some food down me and go tomorrow to see what my doctor has to say. The C word scares me a little xx

01-09-11, 19:51
Hun your going to make yourself alot worse, go and relax no googling etc and wait to see gp tomorrow because of a family history of cancer n swollen nodes I'm convinced I have cancer and google just makes it worse, only listen to your doc hugs x

01-09-11, 19:52
Thanks hun thats why i come on here just to chat but il wait to see what dr has to say xx

01-09-11, 19:54
Oh yeah these guys will help hun they've been great in aiding my recovery, but ignore google. Looked at your photo my husband has one like that hes had it checked twice n
All been ok x

01-09-11, 19:54
Thanks guys. I need support like that, as Im very negative about things, I will try and get some food down me and go tomorrow to see what my doctor has to say. The C word scares me a little xx

I have been there and i know exactly what you are going through! Believe me i have read a books worth of information on the subject.

Some moles just end up a funny shape. It's extremely rare a mole smaller than 6mm will turn out to be Melanoma. When i had my moles checked the Doctor said Melanoma is always bigger than 6mm. You will notice when they check yours that the first thing they will do is measure it. Add the fact it does not itch, bleed or puss makes me almost certain you will be fine.

01-09-11, 20:00
Its comforting to know your husband has one similar and he is fine! x
Thank you worried male, thats true im not having any of those symptoms and its not big, this looks raised and in real life it is flat. thanks again really appreciate this xx

01-09-11, 20:00
i am as the doctor says a 'moley person'. i have loads of moles i have ones bigger than yours my doctor reffered me to the hospital to get them looked at and she got one of those things just like what they use to look in your ear and put some cream on and check each mole. one of my moles they took a picture off and the size of it and told me to keep a check on it and all my turned out to be fine. xxx

I know its easier said then done, but try not to worry the main thing is it doesnt itch or bleed which is a good sign and thats one of the questions they ask you.


01-09-11, 20:07
Sarah thank you, I am too a moley person as is my mum and sister! I will forever be checking them after today. I am glad you results came back good, thats right, it doesnt do either of those, I will try my best not to worry tonight xx

01-09-11, 20:10
by the way guys I just measure with a end of a pencil it covers the mole id say its the same size as the pencil end x

01-09-11, 20:15
by the way guys I just measure with a end of a pencil it covers the mole id say its the same size as the pencil end x

You are fine.

It is most likely a benign mole that has just ended up a funny shape.

Worst case scenario it is Melanoma in its earliest stages which is easily removed.

My guess is they will tell you to keep an eye on it to see if it changes or they might send you to a dermatologist.

Gemma T
01-09-11, 20:18
I would get it checked but please don't worry. I'm a natural red head with pale skin and I've had a lot of moles that have changed and were deemed friendly.

I also have a mole that's orange with a dark orange border and specks. And guess what! The dermatologist at the royal london hosp said it was friendly. She said to look out for dark, scabby, bleeding moles.

If its been like it for years its not a biggy. Anything serious would b obvious by now x x x

01-09-11, 20:20
I hope so,
and your right worst case scenario it is, I will sort things out. Thanks again.. I am defiantly going to keep an eye on it! and also get seen about this anxiety i need to see someone as i feel im out of control

01-09-11, 20:25
I would get it checked but please don't worry. I'm a natural red head with pale skin and I've had a lot of moles that have changed and were deemed friendly.

I also have a mole that's orange with a dark orange border and specks. And guess what! The dermatologist at the royal london hosp said it was friendly. She said to look out for dark, scabby, bleeding moles.

If its been like it for years its not a biggy. Anything serious would b obvious by now x x x

Thanks honey it seems youve been through this worry too, i bet you was as scared as me, im glad all is well. Royal london hospital in whitechapel? I live near there :) certainly no scabbyness or bledding I guess its the different colours thats are scaring me x

01-09-11, 20:32
To add to my previous post - I have seen a malignant melanoma on my aunty about 15 yrs ago on her wrist and it was truly horrible and measured about size of a 2p piece and was black and had a raggedy red edge.

She is still alive and kicking at 81.

So remember the chances are that this is just one of those weird moles and worst case scenario its at such early stage it would be eminently treatable anyway.

I know exactly how you are feeling as we all do on here.

Keep chatting all you need.

Gemma T
01-09-11, 20:33
Thanks honey it seems youve been through this worry too, i bet you was as scared as me, im glad all is well. Royal london hospital in whitechapel? I live near there :) certainly no scabbyness or bledding I guess its the different colours thats are scaring me x

Oh trust me babe I knew a mole on my thigh had changed but with my health anx every1 said it was me. I was seen to at the health centre and went by myself coz I'm used to being wrong.

The lady said yes its changing and my heart stopped. Didn't dawn on me that I could b right. She was so nice and fst tracked me bcoz of my anx. When I walked out I felt like the hallway got longer and longer.

It was horrible and I was alone :( but thankfully it was nothing. I was only reffered because of my hair colour and complexion. If I had a darker one they wouldn't have bothered.

You'll b fine. Just see the doc and trust wat they say. Let me know how it goes x x x

01-09-11, 20:40
Wow, its great your aunty was treated and shes still here, its given me hope. Thanks country girl. Im about to eat my dinner (later then usual) Im starting to worry less after chatting x
Gemma - That must have been a horrible time, and i am so glad all came out fine, I will post on here as soon as I come back tomorrow xx

01-09-11, 21:12
Just wanted to try and reasure you. My mother in law had a suspect mole and refused to go to the doctor for a year. It was then diagnosed as mal melanoma but even after leaving it a year was completely treatable, hadn't spread, and once cut out was all fine. That was 5 years ago and no problems since and given the all clear,

01-09-11, 21:14
Thank you that has reassured me, if it is the worst case scenario id know theres still hope x

02-09-11, 13:36
How did everything go?

02-09-11, 20:16
Hi sorry for the late reply, been a long day, just to let you know the doctor took less then a second to say " its fine " :) so happy! thanks everyone for your support I always know I can count on you to help me x