View Full Version : Anyone not had side effetcts on citalopram

01-09-11, 19:13
I am due to start taking citalopram, but am anxious about the side effects. Are there any people on this forum who had no side effects after they started taking citalopram?


01-09-11, 19:52
I had more anxiety about starting meds, which was built in my own mind, then I have had any problems with. However the first time I tried to start 2 weeks ago, I terrified myself that I stopped taking them for a few days and restarted.. So far no real side effects.. I was a bit tired yesterday evening but thats it so far..

01-09-11, 20:22
user 12-Hi,
All I can say is just do it. Pick a good time for you to start like a weekend or when not working so if you do get any side effects at least you ve no big committments. I was the same as you-I was suppose to start mine last Dec but just could nt do as got so wound up being scared of side effects, so I struggled on with anxiety to the point where I could nt even swallow food. Ive been on them 4 weeks and Im inbetween jobs so dont have to be anywhere thru day. I admit Ive had side effects which you may have seen me whinging about on here-things like nausea, sweating.muscle aches but with the help of folks on here Ive managed to keep going. It will be worth it I know -my anxiety would nt have got better without meds. I know where you re at-you just need to start -most of us on here have been there and we re here. Let us know how you get on x:yesyes:

01-09-11, 22:03
I was terrified of taking Citalopram. Once I started I felt better quite quickly I had no side effects and have been taking 40mg for a year.
Hope this helps.

01-09-11, 22:50
I have been on Cit for 2 weeks now! 1st week I took 10mg and now up to 20mg. I already had every anxiety symptom going - shakes, sore legs, tension headaches, palpitations, zaps, tingles everything! So I was willing to take anything Cit was going to throw at me! But Ive had nothing! The only thing Ive noticed is that I YAWN constantly!! But what I have noticed is a real improvement in how Im feeling! I actually have been able to leave the house alone, Ive not had any anxiety. But I have been checking my legs and heartbeat....not feeling anxious about it but think its just paranoia about DVT and palps! No anxiety feelings though which is why Im on the meds in first place! Hth xx

01-09-11, 23:08
Not had any at all, been on 20mg for 5 weeks.
You should take them just after some food. I take mine at night

01-09-11, 23:26
I dont know if its due to my stress level, or a release, but I get the urge to smoke more then anything lol.

02-09-11, 00:19
It will be the stress with smoking, I quit a year ago and when I was stressed I always smoked.
I don't even fancy a cig anymore. I quit with champix, I really recommend it for quitting.

02-09-11, 22:48
Thanks for the replies everyone, I'll start taking it from the weekend so if there are any side effects, they will hopefully pass as the days go on.