View Full Version : Lump in armpit arrrrrgh

01-09-11, 20:55
I have had a lot of health issues lately and I cannt believe this is anxiety and if it is it is a bl**dy master of disguise!!

I have recently had a Lymphoma scare - with a large lump in my groin (still there). I have seen a specialists who felt it was fibrotic cyst/gland. This was a few days ago...

Today I have a large swollen red lump in my armpit. It has come up suddenly has it def was not there yesterday. I haven't shaved recently and no ingrown hair can be seen. I can feel the lump with my arm down and it is slighty sore when I press the area. I cannot feel a pea-like gland inside.

Help - before I doom myself as I am getting more and more convinced that the doctors are missing something.

01-09-11, 20:56
is it not a cyst or boil?

01-09-11, 21:05
I have never had a boil - it would be so typical that in my 43 years I get one at the same time as the lump in my groin... thx body!!!

I had a chest x-ray today because I have developed a dry cough and pain in my chest. I am so stressed with it all - can anxiety be causing lumps?

01-09-11, 21:13
If you are run down you are more prone to getting things yes.

01-09-11, 21:36
Hopefully this will make you smile for a second but if it is a boil or abcess be thankful its in your armpit, I had an abcess in my vagina in same place three times over 18 months and got fed up of male Drs poking around down there and saying " oh yes its an abcess!". Thankfully after 2 usless courses of antibiotics that only gave me thrush but didnt help the abcess I got it to burst the 3rd time with help from hot flannels and tea tree oil and it went away for good.

Maybe you can try putting tea tree oil on it as this is wondeful for any skin infections and it was only thing tht worked for my abcess.

01-09-11, 21:49
Thank you - hubby had a look and he thinks the lump is in the skin rather than inside the body. It def feels like it might be a boil? I will try the tea tree oil - I dont have any here but will try shops tomorrow.

Yes better in armpit than 'bits' lol