View Full Version : Anybody dream then feel all uptight the next day?

14-05-06, 07:39

I had a nasty dream last night that I was diagnosed with the dreaded C.

Because I suffer from health anxiety and I'm aware it was only a dream, I feel all uptight and worried this morning.

Has anybody else experienced this?


14-05-06, 09:02
I've had bad dreams where my daughter has been taken/lost etc. The next few days I feel awful as they seem so real, I'm sure I have a panic attack in my sleep, or that's how it feels!


'This too will pass'

14-05-06, 11:10
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi,

I had a nasty dream last night that I was diagnosed with the dreaded C.

Because I suffer from health anxiety and I'm aware it was only a dream, I feel all uptight and worried this morning.

Has anybody else experienced this?


<div align="right">Originally posted by reddevil - 14 May 2006 : 08:39:13</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Timely Question Tony!

I had a great day yesterday and despite a bit of anxiety (work) I made it to bed late but feeling good.
.. The Anxiety attacked in my dreams and I proceeded to have some very disturbing (and realistic) dreams which seemed pretty much along the lines of the 'Scarface' showing on TV that day.
Brutal violence and realistic scenes of me being held captive, my murder being planned, others being killed before me and so on.

I woke up feeling rather unhappy, anxious and feeling a bit disturbed and 'uptight' would be a good word too.

marie ross
14-05-06, 13:09
Hi Tony,

I sometimes have some terrible dreams and when i wake up in the morning i have to convince myself that it was just a dream, nothing more. Its strange how our minds work!!!!!

Sweet dreams from now on!!!!

Marie XXX

14-05-06, 13:35
yes alot of the times i wake feeling uptight and then later remember ive had a bad dream but cant seem to get rid of this feeling of impending doom even know i know it was only a dream


14-05-06, 14:46
Well I am glad I am not the only one!

I dream everynight and I remeber my dreams. Sometimes they are good, strange or scary.

I do wake up with my heart racing sometimes, I hate that.

14-05-06, 15:09

I know what you mean, not nice having nightmares like that is it. At times I am too scared to go to sleep because I basically have a nightmare every night! Its not nice at all. I always feel uptight and anxious after I have had a nightmare, I know how you feel hunni. Just try and take your mind off things and tell your self it is just a nightmare. Hope this helps. Keep smiling.

x x

16-05-06, 06:25
I often find that if I have really vivid and awful dreams it seems to follow that I feel panicky all day. I think it's really hard to get out of the mindset, besides which - panic is pretty much a living nightmare at times!

Then again, when my panic is under control life is a dream so it's not all bad.

"This too, shall pass"

18-05-06, 12:13
Hi Tony,
yes,I often have bad dreams, sometimes they are based on my insecurities. People close to me will act out of character and be really horrible to me. Those are hard to recover from the next day as they feel so real.

Others are where someone is trying to hurt me, has got into the house, I can be in bed my body heavy and I am unable to move. When I wake up from them I am convinced someone is there and have to check the flat.

Dreams are quite powerful they can really effect your mood the next day either because of the interrupted sleep or because the thoughts stay with you.

When I was on effexor some years back I used to have terrible nightmares where I would cry out so I came off them.

I think the only thing to do the next day is really to comfort yourself it was a dream, put a feel good song on, sing along, try and get your mind elsewhere. Or answer it with questions, until you are reassured it is not reality.

wishing you happy dreams.

28-05-06, 07:50
It sounds like all of us have had this particular situation for some period of time at least.

The 'worst of the worst' seems to be when you begin to treat sleeping in the same way you would treat a shopping queue (lineup), driving and being stopped at lights/construction or for some just leaving the house.

You begin to 'Fear' having nightmares and therefore going to bed.
Not surprisingly, the anticipated 'Noctural panic Attack' will come along just as expected.

One of the best 'cures' i came across while in a the middle of a brutal week of horrifying nightmares was this:

basically the idea is that you try and be 'lucid' enough in your own dream to go and approach the nightmare.
I like that he doesnt recommend you necessarily 'attack' the nightmare (whatever its form, boogeyman, monster, falling etc).
He suggests you bravely arm yourself and then go and inquire about it.
Ask what its doing?
Go into the basement or hellpit or 'evil setting' and then start snooping around.
Its funny but this worked for me almost immediately.

The stupid thing about the noctural anxiety dreams is that I find I might have a good day of positive thinking and go to bed relaxed.. but then the negative scary thoughts seem to take advantage of sleeptime to 'counter attack' lol.

But yeah.. its so true that a horrifying nightmare type sleep can throw off not just a day but a week.
I had a very bad anxiety nightmare type sleep on sunday night and it put my whole week into a bad state.

btw.. for what its worth, I found Charles Lindens relaxation tapes have helped put me to sleep.
Im not sure if it has to be his brand.. maybe any relaxation CD would work I guess.

09-10-19, 21:48
Anxiety dreams will kick start your autonomic fight-or-flight response, meaning you'll feel anxious even after you've woken up. It's normal and it subsides, as the day passes.

10-10-19, 08:50
Well said above
pretty much a regular thing for me