View Full Version : My Indigestion Is Back Again. Is This Really Anxiety?

02-09-11, 03:05
Hi sorry for another annoying post. :(

Well as mentioned before, I've had an indigestion/hyperacidity thing which lasted for at least 6 weeks. This started out early in June, I believe. It's that type of hallow/gnawing feeling you get after you eat. It goes away immediately once I eat. Also, I've had EXCESSIVE BURPING and softer stools.

After 6 weeks of agony, I had the guts to go to a gastroenterlogist. He told me that my indigestion was probably caused by stress and my very very poor eating habits. He prescribed me two weeks worth of 40mg omeprazole. After two weeks, I began to slowly feel better. I literally couldn't believe it because at first I didn't have faith in the meds. After about 10 days of taking the meds, the indigestion and excessive burping went away completely. The relief lasted for nearly a month. Whew. I kept my diet on track and tried to avoid worries as much as possible

However, as someone with HA, I found myself obsessing over other things (arrrgh!). Just 4 nights ago, I found myself completely obsessed and worried about another thing in my body. And as soon after I ate dinner, the indigestion and excessive burping came back! :weep: This went on until today.

Although I think it is important to take note that the indigestion/excessive burping isn't as worse as before. I can only slightly feel it but it's definitely there! :weep: The sensation I get is more of a slight "sour stomach" now. Sigh. :(

Any words of reassurance please? :weep:

02-09-11, 03:29
I have this too under stress. Take your meds and if they are for gas hey should work but sometimes they dont but dont worry about those times its normal ,also try prylosec. Thats what they recommend here.

02-09-11, 11:35
hi yes this is def to do with anxiety i have suffered with this for about 2 yeaqrs on and off in the end my doc had enuff and put me on laprazomole which works but i still get it on and off i have had test after test but found nout:weep:

03-09-11, 00:21
Thank you looking4answrs and selphie

Unfortunately, this isn't really normal for me. I'm really worried that something is terribly wrong with me. Is it a good sign that at least the meds worked before and it just so happens that it came back prbobably because of anxiety?:weep:

03-09-11, 00:37
Its definately being caused by Anxiety ..Go back to the begining again ,Good diet and stop worrying .It will clear up .Sounds typical of what Anx does to your system .T/c Sue x

03-09-11, 16:10
:yesyes::yesyes:hi i worried myself sick at first but i had an ultrasound and everything was fine maybe u could ask your doc for one? that would tell u my doc said some ppl have to much acid in there stomach. he said i mite hav 2 take the tablets 4 life 2 get rid of the acid in your gut.

03-09-11, 17:07
thank you suzie and selphie

suzie, have you any of these? after taking omperazole, i never went back to my old diet. i wonder why is this still like this :(

selphie, thank you. it still makes me depressed to think of the idea that i have to take meds for the rest of my life. i'm only 21 and i can't bear with that idea :(

03-09-11, 17:49
Hi mate ....are you still on the meds ?

If you stopped its just kicked off again with the anxiety , nothing to worry about . I,m on the meds for life i reckon , if i stop takeing the lansoprazole it comes back in a week .
Just go on them again untill it all settles , and do your best to keep the anxiety levels low and you will get right again mate , takeing a stomach med is no biggie at your age just look at it as "tempory" you will get there i promise .


04-09-11, 01:34
These symptoms are classic anxiety / stress. It sounds like you might have IBS. This is unbelievably common. I go through periods of the same symptoms and Ive been prescribed the same medication in the past. There was even a period where I was vomiting spontaneously - all anxiety. Don't worry about it, you'll be fine.

04-09-11, 01:39
Ive been the same ..It will get better .Keep on with the tabs for now and Practice some relaxation and deep breathing every day .Also excercise is good for your digestive system .Its very doubtful you will need to take these for life .T/c Luv Sue

04-09-11, 12:15
Thank you, mel2, mel78, and suzy

It's been almost a month since my I completed my meds.

Today I had a relatively "okay" day. For the first time in 2 weeks, I didn't obsess about this 7-year old palpable lymph node behind my right ear. And oh dear, my stomach felt fine! I didn't burp as much and the indigestion was completely ignorable. Never felt better for the first time since this returned.

Is that a good sign?

I just hope this will continue.

Any more tips, guys? Sometimes, I feel so stressed out trying to make myself calm down! I don't know how to explain it! :weep:I will try the exercise and meditated breathing sometimes. Ack, HA is killing me!

04-09-11, 13:13
soz sky but u may not h:wacko:ave 2 take em 4 life my doc says i will tho i think its coz im always moaning bout it.

06-09-11, 08:00
Thank you everyone!

It's been more than 24 hours again since I'm free from excessive burping and indigestion. This is really weird!

The day I stopped obsessing something about my body, it stopped a few hours later!

Oh my god I hope I am not imagining this recovery!