View Full Version : Is it the meds or the illness ??

02-09-11, 14:40
i've been taking citalopram now for a year next month, started on 10mg, and gradually got up to 60mg (which was too high a dose ) have been taking 40mg now for a good few months, Although i am so much better than i was, there is still this constant feeling of what i think is the meds, so i have reduced my dose last night to 35mg, and will hopefully drop to 30mg in a few weeks, i know i am no longer depressed, and i feel pretty calm now, and can function quite normally, my question is, does anyone else feel like this, and could it be the effects of the meds, any advice would be appreciated. thanks :hugs:

02-09-11, 14:55
Hi Pinkdove ..The only way you will find out is by cutting down slowly and living on each dose .See how you act and feel especially when you have to face those times when things arent as good as normal .I ve done this myself .I got down to 15 mg and gave it over two months .unfortunately stress levels got bad ,and i felt very low ..It didnt improve ..for the time being im back on 20mg .I feel pretty ok not depressed .Slightly more anxious than normal but am off on holiday in just over a week .So thats understandable ..So much to do before hand ..and not so much the Holiday if you get me ..I will see how i feel when I get back and cut down again by 5mg ..Timing is paramount in my opinion .No good if you have too much going on and a lot on your mind .It is very common when you reach the low end of the doses to feel somewhat lower in mood .Only time will tell ..Wishing you luck ..Im sure you will get there in the end .Luv Sue xx

06-09-11, 03:18
What feeling are/were you feeling that was 'feeling of just the meds'? I don't understand lol
I have felt a lot of strange things while on citalopram that i can't remember/don't think i felt before i was on medication. I sometimes feel 'medicated' now.