View Full Version : Too Afraid to start Citalopram 10 mg, help!

02-09-11, 16:22
Hi All,

After 5 months of CBT therapy, I have bitten the bullet and have given in to accepting that medication is the way forward to beating panic attacks. I would love to go out of the house without worrying about feeling dizzy, panicky or on edge. Mostly, I just get on with it at the moment but I always feel on edge, it gets me down so much that I think I have moderate depression as I have stopped going out and enjoying myself in what should be the prime of my life; mid twenties.

Anyway, I have the perscription but cannot bring myself to start taking them, I have read some horror stories all over the internet. My main worry is that I feel dizzy at the moment and do not think I am strong enough to deal with the side effects that people experience. Plus, I am going on a long haul holiday for 10 days in 2 weeks time, quite anxious about this already (although very excited), but I do not want myself to get worse whilst before or during the holiday if I start taking the medication.

I'm just very scared at the moment about the thought of taking them but I know they will help me in the long run.

Advice and help will be very much appreciated :)

02-09-11, 16:43
Hiya :)

Im on week 2 of Cit! I am also in my twenties!
Last month I got myself into such a state that I was in a constant daze. I was off work, felt dizzy everytime I left the house, rarely left my room or got out of bed had absolutely no appetite or motivation. I started on 10mg of Cit (reluctantly) for the first week and it took a few days to get into my system. I had no side effects (apart from yawning alot and some shakes in my hand but I already had that anyway)!. I am now on 20mg and I have been able to leave the house, the cloudy feeling is gone from my head and I am starting to feel more and more like my old self every day! Please do not let other peoples horror stories put you off! Remember people rarely put the good stories on the net!! The benefits far outweigh any side effects!! Hope this helps xxx

02-09-11, 16:44
Hi there!

There are horror stories about all forms of pescription medication everywhere - seriously please don't let this deter you from starting citalopram. Personally speaking citalopram needs to be combined with other therapies such as the CBT that you mentioned - i don't believe it's a wonder drug that will suddenly take away your panic and anxiety, it will however take the edge of it and allow you to focus your mind alittle more. You'd be seriously surprised how many people do take citalopram, give it a try and keep in regular contact with your GP to monitor your progress on it...hope this helps x

02-09-11, 20:06
I just started Ciralopram 4 days ago (again) I started it 2 weeks ago but I suffer from an anxiety disorder so the increased anxiety spooked me.. so I gave it 36 hours to leave my system then tried again. I started by cutting my pill in quarters and stepping up this time, and I have had almost no side effects. I feel as if I have energy and motivation.. I think I have cleaned my whole house 2 times already, but its not a jittery motivation!

Get a pill cutter and take baby steps! It does help!

03-09-11, 00:54
Don't let the horror stories put you off At all, trust me.
I started on 20mg 5 week ago and have had no side affects.
Give them a try !!!!! Just relax and don't get hung up on looking for symptoms.
A top tip is take them with a bit of food a couple of hours before bed.

03-09-11, 22:06
I agree with the other comments, don't let the rare horror stories put you off. It definitely isn't a cure-all but Citalopram makes me feel so much better than without it. Only on 10mg so may just be a placebo effect but just thankful it seems to work.

04-09-11, 10:42
Find any medication even over the counter meds, the possible side effects for even Painkillers are shocking, infact paracetamol can be more life threatening than citalopram. Ofcourse it's very rare. Also remember all those that are on citalopram and do not experience side effects and only experience the benefits are hardly going to be screaming to the world on forums. If you look at the huge side effects post on no-more-panic half of the posts are made by first timers only signed up because have searched thru google because they experienced some. Even those that do experience some 99% still think it was worth it.

The most amusing side effect of AD's is that it can increase suicidal thoughts or attempts. There is some theories as to why. But I agree with the most obvious. AD's are ofcourse only perscribed to people who are depressed, anxiety panic. People that are going thru an extremely rough time. Ofcourse some feel suicidal or helpless, it's why they have the meds in the first place. Another amusing if don't mind me saying but anxiety sufferers already experience most of the side effects anyway as anxiety symptoms.

04-09-11, 10:52
Find any medication even over the counter meds, the possible side effects for even Painkillers are shocking, infact paracetamol can be more life threatening than citalopram. Ofcourse it's very rare. Also remember all those that are on citalopram and do not experience side effects and only experience the benefits are hardly going to be screaming to the world on forums. If you look at the huge side effects post on no-more-panic half of the posts are made by first timers only signed up because have searched thru google because they experienced some. Even those that do experience some 99% still think it was worth it.

The most amusing side effect of AD's is that it can increase suicidal thoughts or attempts. There is some theories as to why. But I agree with the most obvious. AD's are ofcourse only perscribed to people who are depressed, anxiety panic. People that are going thru an extremely rough time. Ofcourse some feel suicidal or helpless, it's why they have the meds in the first place. Another amusing if don't mind me saying but anxiety sufferers already experience most of the side effects anyway as anxiety symptoms.

I do think your right and reading on here what people say they go through makes you panic a bit. but whether you take them or not anxiety and depression is horrible to deal with.

Cathy xx

04-09-11, 16:42
citalopram can be difficult for some, everybody reacts differently. But for me citalopram has been a godsend, my doctor has tried me on various meds, this one has worked best for me. I dont know where I would be without it:)

04-09-11, 18:54
I'm feeling a lot better, slowly but surely.
For me I was suffering badly with anxiety and couldn't wait to start taking the medication! I took the first tablet within an hour of getting them.
At the end of the day you were prescribed them for a reason so take them to help yourself.

05-09-11, 08:32
im on day 4,and dont feel myself,but ive gone thru so much,im willing to give it a go,as i cant live my life like this any more,i dont know how my partner is still with me,i acuse him of all sorts,and i think all my mates are against me,im scared to go out incase my hair dont look rite,i feel im goin out of my mind at times,so plz little tablet help me,and every 1 else who is on it.xxxx

05-09-11, 08:37
ive just started 10mg,and i feel very wierd,but gonna stick to them,as i need to try and get my life back on track,,im 51 and need to start living again,ive been goin thru depression for 3 yrs now,so hopefully they will help,as ive read some good reports from other people thats been on them for a while.xx