View Full Version : Can doctors detect internal bleeding?

02-09-11, 16:49
Im really worried about this..
Yesterday evening i had a bad fall on a chair and the corner smashed onto my right back kidney/liver area. Now ive come up in a huge bruise and pain when i move, also the pain is in my bum, and lower back to. Extremely sensitive when i touch it aswell. Basically the past few days ive been getting like a raining sensation in my eyes, like i can see rain falling constantly, ive also been waking up with a really hot face and ive been feeling very sick after the fall, also very dizzy. I know this is a sign of internal bleeding.. So do you think ill last until monday for a doctors appointment or do you think i need to see the out of hours doctor? Would they be able to know if i have internal bleeding or something more serious? Thanks alot x

02-09-11, 16:55
I feel like i was doing so well, and its all gone downhill again :( Seriously what is going on, ive been feeling so so sick and i don't know what to do.. This has been going on for about a week now and it's not going away.

My toothache is getting so much worse, im seeing the dentist monday hopefully they will listen this time. My ear pressure and pains in head are getting SO much worse, also the raining sensation in my eyes is getting bad aswell.

Im meant to be going out for a meal and the cinema tonight, do you think its a good idea? Even though ive got possible puss to brain and possible internal bleeding.. Ergh im so stressed, what do i do? Ill be getting back quite late so im not sure whether its a good idea to go incase i need to see the out of hours.

Please any feedback? :(

02-09-11, 17:27
Duke246810 I would go to a doctor and get yourself checked out as you may have a big bruise on your kidney. Your symptoms don't sound as though you have major bleeding if any, do you have any blood in your urine.
The main thing is to be safe and that is a visit to a doctor today, maybe the nearest A&E might be more appropriate.
Internal bleeding would make you look pale, tachycardia, low blood pressure and you would have pain. Dizziness would only occur if you had lost quite a bit and you definitely would not be feeling well at all.

macc noodle
02-09-11, 17:28
An honest reply Duke?

If you are feeling well enough to go out for the evening, then you are hardly likely to have internal bleeding because I am pretty sure that you would feel just like lying down and not bothering!

The visual disturbances are stress and anxiety and you are getting yourself all worked up again.

If you are seriously concerned about your injuries, seek medical advice and put your mind at rest.

Macc Noodle


02-09-11, 17:50
I agree with you macc xx

02-09-11, 17:55
remember tell urself "if im well enough to be on the pc im ok' x wish i could take my own advice lol

02-09-11, 18:07
Then im 100% going to die as i have all those symptoms.

02-09-11, 18:14
What nonsense!! I'm always bashing myself on something and ending up with cuts and bruises!! The body is designed to take a few hits and it just fixes itself given time........ now go out for the evening, try and forget about your aches and pains, and enjoy yourself lol!!!

02-09-11, 18:26
Call NHS direct and ask their advice then take it from there.

02-09-11, 18:36
if your worried call nhs direct but your body can put up with a awful lot i highly doubt if you will have interanl bleeding from a injury last night and be sat on here now youd be in hospital

but nhs direct will help you and tell you what they think

02-09-11, 18:36
Right first of all take a big deep breath and :hugs:to you.

Not that this is of any consilation (sp??) but in 2009 i slipped on ice and fell straight onto my back, the following morning i had a very nasty bruise near my kidney and pain all down my back, bum and my one leg. was the worst pain ever (im a mum!) and i honestly thought id done something bad i left it over the weekend and visiting my gp who said the bruising was really bad but as i was awalking round and managing then she knew nothing serious had happened, she said i had bruised the muscles and nerves and possibly bruised my kidney (i ended with a UTI a few days later and she said this was the result) i was sent home to rest with strong painkillers and 2 nhalf years on im still here, i still get the pain and that area if touched always feels like a bruise but nothing's there.

im no doctor but surely if you had internal bleeding you would be really unwell now or am i missing the point?

hth xx

02-09-11, 19:37
I have been informed by a very caring member of NMP that my response to your question was a bit blunt and contained to much information for a Health Anxiety Sufferer. She was of course right so can I reiterate that it would be sensible to see a doctor just as a matter of precaution and common sense.
Please do not get hung up on my description of symptoms, I only told you them to show you that dizziness by itself means nothing and is attributable to pure anxiety. So please except my apology I did not mean to upset you or scare you in any way.
I wish you well.

03-09-11, 01:03
Hey if you had internal bleeding, you would go down hill fast, you would be too weak to lift your head up. It has now been a few a few days so you are fine.
I know people will a child who's blood doesn't clot and they have to be very careful in case he falls because he can and has gotten internal bleeding.
Yes you have some bruising and pain but that's normal.
Go see your doctor if your still worried.