View Full Version : Friendships

02-09-11, 17:53
Does anyone else suffer stifling anxiety with friendships? I've had this virtually all of my life and I really want it gone for once and for all. I've always been convinced that my friends are going to fall out with me, or are talking about me/avoiding me. Next year I'm getting married and I'm paranoid that they aren't that interested. I even started comparing my list to my fiance's in the fear that he'd have loads of people there and I'd have none.

I actually have some really good, close friends. In total probably 4/5 that I consider loyal and genuine. I have several acquaintances also. A few years ago I was best friends with a girl for several years prior but we drifted apart, mainly because she was VERY corporate and I was very arty. It seemed like our circles just no longer combined. Anyway, she always spoke down to me and belittled me on several occasions. I have to be honest, very few of my other friends liked her at all. Anyway, recently I even felt the need to get back in touch with her due to this wedding fear so I arranged to meet up with her twice. I ended up cancelling both times. Obviously, she's now sort of keeping away but I feel really bad even though everyone's telling me I was mad to get back in touch in the first place!

Can someone please help me resolve this guilt...:weep:

Gemma T
02-09-11, 23:35
You don't need someone like her in ur life.

And who wants people at their wedding who r just there 4 the free booze. In this sad story we call life we will find our friends become less and less. But that's life and all that matters is u spend ur time and make an effort with people who r real friends.

Forgot numbers when it comes to friendship. Its always about quality x x x

03-09-11, 10:59
You know Gemma, sometimes people just say the right thing and you just did exactly that! You're right, 100% right. I've felt terrible guilt that's virtually consumed me but who needs that eh. Thank you.