View Full Version : New to all of this

02-09-11, 19:54
Hi everyone.

I've recently begun to accept that I have HA and I am slowly working on "getting over it" and up until today I was much better! But I've just had a setback and now could do with some reassurance / advice!

My (main!) symptoms are dizziness and leg weakness & pain.

I've had the dizziness for just over a month now. It' seems to be getting better but hasn't gone completely. My head feels foggy, and I feel unbalanced and just a bit disorientated like I'm sea sick. However, I'm not actually "dizzy". No spinning or vertigo, and I am perfectly capable of doing everything I need to do, I'm not walking wobbly or anything, even if it feels like I am.

The leg weakness is in my right thigh. I'm seeing a osteopath about and she says it's due to me having a tighter muscle here. It causes me a bit of discomfort, and pain but mostly it feels a bit wobbly a heavy.

Now, I know I shouldn't (and I really hate myself for doing so!) but I googled it :-( Now I'm really worried I might have MS. The leg weakness came on quite suddenly and although exercise aggravates it's usually there to some extent. I also know that dizziness can be a symptom of MS, so that's making me doubly worried :-(

I had an MRI brain scan last August - to check for underlying causes for my tinnitus. It was all clear. Can I take reassurance from that? I know this sounds silly, but if they weren't looking for MS would it still be obvious? Also, does it matter that it was over a year ago? I'm worried it might have changed.

Realistically, I know I am a worrier. I'm constantly tense and anxious, and I'm due to start a new job in a few days and move house next month, so my life is pretty full on at the moment. I don't feel stressed and anxious, but I'm aware that I probably am!

I think I just need reassurance (hopefully!) from people who understand. My OH is really great but I don't want to burden him all the time.

Gemma T
02-09-11, 21:00

I don't know anything about ms but I do know a lot of ur symptoms can be anxiety related. Have u looked at the sypmtoms second on the forum? Take a look and u'll see a lot of what u have can be explained.

Love gem x x x

03-09-11, 09:36
"I think I just need reassurance (hopefully!) from people who understand"

Do you think that need is what is fuelling your anxiety? The more you seek reassurance the more you feed the anxiety. Get sensible medical tests then try to let it go - recognise that your problem is anxiety/compulsive reassurance seeking rather than an actual illness

I have been here so many times and i'm SLOWLY learning what is the real nature of my problem, Geoff

Gemma T
03-09-11, 11:43
"I think I just need reassurance (hopefully!) from people who understand"

Do you think that need is what is fuelling your anxiety? The more you seek reassurance the more you feed the anxiety. Get sensible medical tests then try to let it go - recognise that your problem is anxiety/compulsive reassurance seeking rather than an actual illness

I have been here so many times and i'm SLOWLY learning what is the real nature of my problem, Geoff

Well said geoff! A crime we are all guilty of and one way of abusing this site.

I believe that the best use of this forum comes in our support towards others and not by using it as an alternative means to google x x x