View Full Version : My panic is back, what can i do??!!

02-09-11, 20:07
I first developed a panic disorder when i was 17. It was awful but after 8 years i was finally rid of every trace of GAD.

I moved to london las year which goes to show how well i was feeling. Everything was going so right for me and then 6 days ago, Panic attack. I completely forgot how awful and intence it was.. I got off the tube and when i did i realised 'it dosn't matter that im off the tube its still happening, but now im just wondering around stockwell having a Panic attack'.

I managed o get to a friends house and tried to resume life as normal but the next day at work a wave of panic hit me and i couldn't leave the office to even go outside. I couldn't get home but i didn't want to be there. I was like a prisoner of my own making.

I've been singned off work now, i haven't left the house in days. I've gone from enjoying my life to the full to laying in bed having back to back panic attacks all day in the space of one week!

I'm back on citalapram now which i worked so hard to get off and i just don't know when this is going to end. When am i going to be able to live my life again? I can't go through another 3 years getting over this I'm 26, not exactly 17 anymore.

I just want to be normal. help!

02-09-11, 21:49
Emilybeth it's a blip, your nervous system will always be more reactive than a person who has never had anxiety issues. I expect you can work out what caused this last attack, some unresolved issues. You have the tools to get yourself well, you have done it before you can do it again. Stay strong and you will get back on track quicker than last time I am sure.

02-09-11, 23:29
Thanks :). I know i need to get out of the house and face up to this but im so scared that if i do the nightmare will start again. It's nice to know that I'm not alone in this.

03-09-11, 16:39
Yes it's hard as you are fighting your fears but the only effective way forward is going through the storm. Go out expecting the panic to appear then when it does disregard it, give it not a second thought. Say to yourself it's just your mind playing tricks.
All the best