View Full Version : Oh no what's this?

14-05-06, 12:48
Where the cheekbone meets the jawbone on my right side, just slightly up that area from my joined ear lobe, and there's a weird lump thing that moves about like a lymph node does. You need to open your mouth to really notice it.

However, there isn't one on my left side.

Could it be some sort of gland that's 'turned deadly'? Is it a tumour? I've read stuff in the past saying "can the tumour move around much?". I have no idea if they can move around this much or what but it scared me.

I will be going to the doctor tomorrow but in the meantime, does anyone know about what this might be?

14-05-06, 13:20
Mine is the same way on the left side (but not the right).

Im getting a complete physical on Monday (so you will beat me to the doc heh.. so im hoping for your update tomorrow).

What I (and my doctor) want to determine is just how much is stress and anxiety that is causing this problem with the lymph node?
To what degree is it 'possible' that there is a hyperactive thyroid gland problem which is reducing tolerance to stress?

My Doc is not explaining much of this (hence my vague example) until he gets the bloodwork back - but the good news is that they can tell if you have a thyroid problem almost instantly, once they get your blood sample.

I hesitate to give any stories here because it a very bad habit of Anxiety Types like us to get convinced of problems like cancer but:
A friend of mine was experiencing some very real panic and anxiety but discovered her neck becoming VERY swollen at the same time.
It really was cancer.
This is the Thyroid and the swelling and discomfort would be coming from around the Adams apple part of your neck (not the nodes up there under the chin to the sides)

They removed her thyroid and sure enough her tolerance level for stress went right back up again.
It should be mentioned that she was actually having stress and anxiety but the thyroid was so unhealthy that it reduced her tolerance level down to almost nothing.

This is rare and is almost certainly not what we are dealing with here but i figured it was worth sharing.

One thing I noticed.. if I smoke a cigar - that lymph node will absolutely triple in size and swelling.
Dont ask me why but I dont smoke cigars anymore lol.

Please let me know and i will report back my results this week as well and anything I gleen from the Doctor on it.

14-05-06, 14:09
I've had my lymph nodes felt and they weren't worried. My doctor said he's had an enlarged node stay that way for years and years and years.

Now, i've had discomfort from the jutty bit on the left side under the adam's apple over the past week and a half. None today or yesterday but now I've said that...

And... my dad has an overactive thyroid.

14-05-06, 14:14
Hang on, that think at the top of my jaw under the ear isn't the thyroid gland.

14-05-06, 14:36
you are right its not the thyroid gland,and i also have the same lump that you describe only mine more prominant on right hand side,remember that we are not symetrical and i dont think that you have a tumour that moves around,please stop feeling for lumps and bumps because you will always find them and then you will worry about them,beleive me if you have something to worry about it will make itself known to you without you digging around looking for it,but just for the record an enlarged thyroid gland does not necessarily mean its cancer, actual cancerous tumours of the thyroid are rarer than benign tumours

I just want my life back

14-05-06, 15:12
Hi hunni.

Try not to worry, it is probably just meant to be there or it may just be a bit swollen, I found a lump under my arm and I went to the doctor, I was panicing an awful lot! But the doctor said it could be that I was just feeling under the weather the past few days and so it will go. So it is probably nothing hunni. Good idea about going to the doctor. Let us all know how it goes. Good luck. Try not to worry. We will all be thinking of ya! Keep smiling.

x x

14-05-06, 15:59
Thanks you two, I feel a bit better. :) Still plucking up the courage to tell my parents...

Nell 1965, did you mean you have the lump on both sides but the one on the right is more prominent, or you only have one on the right and it's likely more prominent than mine?

EDIT: I think I've felt a lesser prominent one on my left side, if that's what you meant? The prominent one on the right is 0.5cm in diameter.

I've chickened out of telling my parents and going to the doctor. I found one on the left side that isn't a little enlarged tho. I know it's stupid but I really don't want to cause another fuss.

15-05-06, 17:18
I meant i could feel one on both sides but right one slightly bigger, im pretty sure that you dont need to see the doc about it as it is nothing to worry about,im gonna come round your house and tie both both hands behind your back with big mitts on them so you cant poke and prod at yourself all the time and worry yourself more, just try and keep yourself and your mind active doing normal things for boys your age (keep it legal though :) ) and you will worry less
take care

I just want my life back

16-05-06, 01:38
I told my dad shortly after I posted that message. He said don't worry and I didn't go to the doctor.

I hope you're right. I stopped worrying about it after my dad comforted me but argh humph wish I could just be relaxed. (dont we all?)

16-05-06, 01:38
How do you know where I live? ;) Please do that!

JayK, what did your doc say, if you've seen him yet?

16-05-06, 09:46
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">How do you know where I live? ;) Please do that!

JayK, what did your doc say, if you've seen him yet?

<div align="right">Originally posted by boy - 16 May 2006 : 02:38:59</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Oh.. I havet gotten any results back on bloodtesting but my 'lump' was definately a swollen lymph gland.

It seems to me you are describing a 'bump' or a 'lump' which is pretty much right between the area of the jawbone, neck and right under your earlobe?

If that is the case then I have had those once.
About the size of a marble.
It was actually a 'knot' in the muscle and yes it really does feel like a small 'tumour'.
Its a common symptom for anxiety sufferers to get muscle tension at the muscles at the base of the skull.

Im not sure if I have it right about where yours is - but it sounds pretty similar?

16-05-06, 15:26
Mine's much smaller than a marble and I take it/hope it wasn't anything to worry about?