View Full Version : Symptoms?

03-09-11, 10:21
Hi, been feeling off the past couple of weeks and wanted to gauge my symptoms. If there is one thing I've discovered over the past few years since this is all started happening to me is that sometimes, when you have general aches, pains, lethargy etc, instead of attributing it to a cold or something else less drastic you label it as anxiety and depression?

I'm currently on 20mg of citalopram, have been for about 18 months. Generally been feeling absolutely great for most of that time, obviously you have the odd day but that's to be expected. Anyway, for the past 2 weeks I've been feeling rubbish, I've had dry eyes and pressure on my head like someone is squeezing it, general feelings of being spaced out and the like. Now, do I attribute this to depression and the anxiety it causes or am I suffering from just a general sinus problem?

Has anyone ever had these sorts of symptoms before? Would love to know what people think because I'm a little worried about how I've been these past couple of weeks.

Thanks x

07-09-11, 20:11
hi gav ive had the symptoms of feeling of tightness in my head but i had dizzyness with and yes the docs tied it in with my anxiety. do u get dizz:unsure:y?

07-09-11, 21:00
I was diagnosed with a severe depressive disorder in 1997, my syptoms were similar to your head pressure-spaced out, In addition normal sounds were amplified, daylight became painful and when outside the surroudings were very oppressive, I stayed indoors with the curtains closed and slept for maybe 18-20 hours at a time, thats clinical depression.

I eventually asked to see a doctor, prescribed diazepam and pro-zac and reffered to the mental health team for counselling, some improvement but it did return inside 2 years.

See your doc if you can and have a review of your medication if you think it might help

I'm not so bad just now but it can return and does return when things go downhill in my life, they could do just that soon but i'm aware of it now so i'm trying to keep positive and my mind busy with good thoughts!

hope this helps.
