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14-05-06, 13:23
hi i was wondering if any one was suffing panic attacks anxiety and was going through the menopause i am 48 and i have had panic attacks and anxiety on and of for 12 years i have been told by the doctor i am going through the menopause this week i have felt really panicy some of the symtoms of the menopause are like panic attacks hot sweats felling sick and on edge its hard to decided which it is i don't take anything for anxiety and i don't take anything for the menopause if any one is going through the same thing i would love to hear from you thanks marg

14-05-06, 16:15
Hi Marg, good to hear from you...now menopause and anxiety, oh my goodness where shall I begin? Have suffered with anxiety/panic for 18 years now, and the last 4, being peri-menopausal have been, well, not too good....I never realised that hormones can play such an important part!!! Every little symptom has been exaggerated, no sleep hot flushes, you name it mate! BUT...it does come to a halt, and not everyone suffers this way (in case i scare anyone) I took black chosh for quite some time, which helped with the flushes, and once i understood that the palpitations/dizzyness/mood swings were due to the hormones, i have settled down a little. It is so hard to seperate anxiety from menopause, but truly i have learnt not to be frightened of either (not a cure but it has slightly helped) Take care and please kep in touch. (p.s i take no medication for either)

14-05-06, 16:49
I am also 48 and Doctor has just diagnosed the Perimenopause, have suffered with anxiety for 25 years in various degrees but the last year has been one of my bad patches partly affected by family illness but not entirely. My GP recommended Black Cohosh for the flushes so I'm going to give it a try.

Sandra x

14-05-06, 18:45
I'm also the same have had anxiety for 15 year's and i do know that the anxiety is far worse when my period is due.

A good site is power-surge.com it's all about premenopause and the menopause. Its good to know we are not alone. One friend i have found from the site. Also had anxiety for years and then found it was even worse when she started her menopause is now so much better and rarely has panic attacks so she has given me hope.

Take care


14-05-06, 21:01
I started with anxiety attacks at the age of 50, and I am convinced it had something to do with the menopause. I had a hysterectomy at the age 0f 37, but the surgeon left part of my right ovary in. He said because of my age natural hormones are better than having to take HRT and I wouldn't hit the menopause straight away. I now take natural HRT which I found on the internet at www.hwize.com Healthwize. and Yild Yam cream. I am on my 2nd bottle and it is helping with the 'Hot Sweats' weather they come on with anxiety or are caused by the menopause. I am not getting so many now. I don't feel so uptight these days either. My Yoga class helps and every month I have an Indian Head Massage which is so relaxing.

Jenny xxxxxx

14-05-06, 21:24
Hi there
I had panic attacksover 20 years ago and they have started up again and I am 46 and in to the menopause - or perimenopause - where periods are infrequent(sorry guys!!) and my dr. has suggested hypnotherapy and kalms which I am trying. Hang on in there - it isnt fair with allt hese hormones zipping about. Wenjoy

15-05-06, 15:48
I'm sure they are related. Im 51, going through the menopause and also suffering from anxiety and have had panic attacks. I agree - I cant sort out which is which - just know that I feel terrible a lot of the time. Today I feel nauseaous with a head ache and just really ill but I dont know why. I also have sinusitis and just got diagnosed with hypothyroidism as well to add to the confusion! I wonder if the suffering is ever going to end - its been 2 years now and I havnt had one day feeling well or 'normal'

15-05-06, 16:30
Hi Marg,
So glad you brought this up.
I am now 55 and had the menopause at 50.
When I was 46 I started to get the occasional panic attack. Totally out of the blue - no reason at all.
At 48 I was diagnosed with an auto immune illness and had steroids for 6 years. The panic got worse during this time and I put it down to the illness.
However, I am over the illness and off all drugs and the anxiety is terrible.
A horrible feeling in my upper chest of stress and wobbly and basically yuck!
I have just started HRT - a low dose patch as I can't go on like this.
I am sure it is the menopause and the weird hormones zooming around!

15-05-06, 21:58

I am only 48 and have been post menopausel for two years now! I did not take hormones due to migraines. I did find that Wild Yam Cream did help me which I found at health food stores here in the USA. That is all I used. I never had hot flashes but oh my the night sweats... I've had anxiety forever and I guess you could say it was really much worse through that period. I was prescribed paxil (paroxotine) during peri-men and have been on it ever since. I tried going off of it and the anxiety was just overwhelming. I too like Gill have hypothyroid disease and other illnesses that come into play with my body. The only thing I can say is my migraines have gotten better post men. It is a long road through this phase of your life but once through it there is sunshine! Hang tough... and make sure you have air conditioning.


15-05-06, 22:29
Hi everyone

Well I was thinking of starting a thread on this myself - pipped to the post!!

I am 51 and having a really rough time of it at the moment and have no idea what is causing what! I have suffered from anxiety and pa's for best part of 20 years and always suffered horrendous pms.

2 years ago my periods were getting ridiculous and I had fibroids removed and a mirena coil put in - amazing - no more periods (almost as good as no more panic lol!!).

They also found a kidney tumour although apparently this is benign - I have to have it scanned annually which is terrifying.

Since then I have suffered with even more anxiety and also horrendous night sweats, flushing, rashes etc etc and I never know what is causing what. I have a hiatus hernia and duodenitis and also IBS and was diagnosed with ME 15 years ago. I have constant digestive problems.

I am also trying to cope with my daughter in law's battle with leukaemia - she got sick just after they found my tumour.

My 50th birthday was probably the worst birthday of my life!

I am taking black kohosh (started it last week) and would be interested to hear more about the Wild Yam.

This is all a bit of a nightmare isn't it!!!!

Another good site is http://minniepauz.com (well it made me laugh!!)

Good luck to you all - at least it's one thing we know will end one day!!!!

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

22-07-13, 08:56
Hi, my name is yvette, I'm 49 and for the past week l've been feeling terrible; please if any of you ladies can give me some help on how to deal with my situation I would really appreciate it. I think Im going thru pre-menopause, I'M so scared, I been having these panic/anxiety attacks, my muscles in my stomach tighten up , I get very nervious, scared, don' t want to be alone. Im scared to fall asleep and if I do it' s only for two hours at the most. My appetite goes, but I eat anyways, because Im petite, 6feet tall, 155 lbs, black female. Right now I have my son in here with me, I feel better somewhat when someone is right by me, not in the other room. What kind of madness is this???? I really need help!!! Will be making a doctor apptment as soon as I can, but for now and I don' t know how long this will last I need some great support/ help/advice on how to deal with my situation. Can't keep my son by my side every time!!! I've experience hot flashes last week, I really panic and had my kids drive me to my sisters house at 10 pm, she lives an hour and a half away. I can't keep running away!! Please again your advice is very valuable to me, thank you in advance.

22-07-13, 09:12
Hello Yvette, guess what my name is also Yvette!
I too am struggling at the moment with anxiety which is partly period, women's problems related. I suffer from endometriosis so when the pain from that is bad my anxiety levels go through the roof.
My period is due this week and whereas I used to be awful to live with because of PMT my mood has now changed and I am on edge and anxious, tearful and don't feel with it. Also I don't sleep well so feel tired most of the time.

I have been tested for menopause but am not there yet :doh: so can't even console myself with the fact that it might be over sooner rather than later.

So what you are feeling is alright although not very nice at all. There is nothing wrong with wanting your family close to make you feel comforted and protected. After all it is what you would do for any of them if they weren't feeling well.

Your doctor will be able to reassure you and hopefully give you some meds and or therapy counselling to help you learn to deal with the feelings of anxiety. And also of course on this wonderful site there is so much support from the members who really do understand each other.

And always remember, try to be kind to yourself. :bighug1:

Love from Yvette from over the pond!